Keep track of your assignments due

Assignments are any online activity submission that is graded by the instructor. Assignments include Quizzes, graded Discussions, and online submissions (i.e. files, images, text, URLs, etc.) There are multiple ways to find your Assignments.

Video Script Links to an external site.
Click here for the captioned video. Links to an external site.

Keep track of your assignments due

There are many ways to keep track of your assignments that are due. You can:

  1. View the Recent Activity feed on your Dashboard.
  2. View the To-Do List on the right sidebar.
  3. View the Coming-Up feed on the right sidebar.
  4. View your Calendar.
  5. Hover over the Assignments link in the Global Navigation, and view the To Turn-In list.
  6. Locate and click on the Assignments navigation link, and view the Upcoming Assignments list.
  7. Locate and click on the Grades navigation link, select the appropriate course, and view your Assignments list with corresponding grades.

Learn more about keeping track of your assignments due in Canvas.