Resizing, Padding and Floating Images

Resizing Images

Click on your image and click the embed image button (image.png ) in the text editor tools. There you can change the size of the image. Canvas will maintain the proper proportions on the image so it will not skew.


Padding and Floating

You can add padding on one, two, three, or all four sides of an image or video. If you are adding padding to one or two sides you can add them separately like this:

<img style="padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;" src=......>

If you want to add the same amount of padding to all four sides, use:

<img style="padding: 10px;">

tipYou can add different amounts to different sides without typing left, right, etc. by listing the amounts in order: <img style="padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px;"> Note that when adding padding to all sides by listing the numbers separately they go in the following order

  1. Top
  2. Right
  3. Bottom
  4. Left



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Fermi marchioness xiv. Ermine squeal interpretative cu quo, est era fellas. Mel boutique moratorium, bis ponderer aloes. Amalia id per in minimum facility, quid facet modifier ea ma. Me sumo unique argument um no. Erato dolor em omit tam quo no, per leg ere argument um re.

This is my title
Example Image 2

Ala emus no duo, obi verier ed an. Ea animal trot anti est, purport augur negligent it pro, usu magma premeditated ex. In corpora cementum cum, man lull dissent in. Tristan disciple tractors ram ea. Er sit insoles deserter. Ad ram leis lucid lies, in quo dis risque civics cum, re consul sol eat usu. Dividend cu eons, qua ques principles per re. Val ea ques elite.


tipIf you want to add a title to your image you will need to put the image and the title in a <div> and then put the style="float:right;"> into the <div> instead of the <img> tag. More on <div>s on the next page.