Tag Modifiers

Tags can take modifiers which change the way thing inside the tag look. The most common one you'll use in Canvas is "style," which lets you change formatting.

The style modifier is always set up the same way no matter how you are using it: 

  • It goes inside the main tag like a <p> or <div>

  • the word style is always followed by =

  • the style description is always in quotes and each section must end with a semi-colon;


<p style="text-align: center: background-color; #dddddd; padding-bottom: 15px;"> =

a Paragraph that is center aligned with each line highlighted in light grey, and 15 pixels of extra space following the last line of text.

<div style="border-style: solid; border-color: #6666FF; margin: 15px; padding: 15px;"> =

a container with a blue border, 15 pixels of space on all sides outside of the border, and 15 pixel of space on all sides inside of the border.


Tip Finding Things

If you're trying to find a particular code in the HTML editor, press Crtl+F to open the "find" tool in your browser. You can then type the code in and your browser will find and highlight all instances of the code on that page.

HTML editor with all instances of "div" highlighted