B260 Home Page



Please be aware that all course content, including schedule dates and assignment details, are to be considered in progress and subject to change until the first day of classes or until this announcement is removed.


Your faculty for B260 are Kristen Needler and Vema Sweitzer, MSN. We will be facilitating your learning this semester. Please contact your instructor by sending a message through the Canvas Inbox located at the top in the black band. You can also reach us as follows:

Kristen Needler, MSN, RN, CNE
Clinical Assistant Professor
Office W418
Phone: office (317) 278-6051 cell (812) 416-6111


Vema Sweitzer, MSN
Adjunct Clinical Lecturer
Office W428
Phone (317) 274-2886



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You may associate additional email addresses with your Inbox. If you want to add any other type of contact method such as Twitter or text messages, click the Add Contact Method. See How do I set my Notification Preferences? for more information; click your browser's back button to return here.


Navigating the Course

The Syllabus tool on the left is your starting point for everything course-related. Both your Syllabus and a printable version of the course Schedule are linked there. You will also find a dynamic course calendar that links you to all the details and course tools you will be using.


Help with Technology

Support Center Help is available 24/7  University  Information Technology Services (UITS) Links to an external site.