Adam Nemeroff - Home



About me

I work as an instructional designer at Dartmouth College.  My biggest interest is in the area of learning analytics as a tool in my upcoming MOOC on An Introduction to Italian Opera on edX in October 2015.  I was previously unexposed to the field of opera, my previous music exposure ended with high school band, where I played trumpet.

Our course really focuses on the following core skills and the intersection among them:

  • History of Italian opera
  • Conventions in Italian opera
  • Close listening skills
  • Musical analysis skills
  • Opportunities to connect with opera and opera lovers locally and globally

I am interested in seeing how the assignments and the combination of them help students in these areas.  My hope is to leverage learning and learner analytics to look into these ideas.

My Discussions

  1. Week 1 - Adam Nemeroff - Introduction to the Course -