Assignment Instructions

A  (2) to  (3) page paper with a minimum of four (4) citations from the text and a minimum of two (2) citations from sources outside the text [consider newspapers, magazines, internet sources, news reports, and government reports].  The page limit does not include the cover page nor the references page.

In the paper you will take a position on ethics and communication (chapter 1) in business and/or professional culture (chapter 2), in the form of your thesis statementexplain your position (using your own words with possible citations), provide examples to help clarify your position (these can be citations from the text or other sources).  You will conclude the paper by summarizing the evidence you presented and explaining how the material you presented proves your thesis.

I will be grading this assignment based on mechanics (use APA style, correct spelling, and grammar, paragraph construction), strength and clarity of thesis statement, use of examples and cites, and the strength of your conclusion.