Welcome to the course!

Today we will do some basic introductions and work on a few interesting projects together.

Overview of what we will be working through:

"Although the creation and distribution of selfies strikes some as a newish phenomenon, the practices of self-portraiture and diary writing are actually quite old. What do we gain when we represent our physical and mental presence through images and words, and risks underlie these practices? In what ways are these gains and risks distributed equally across the population? In what ways are they distributed unequally?"

We will be digging through some difficult readings in the Media Studies/Communication Theory canon. 

We have a starting point: Participate online in the Discussion forum for this week: WEEK 1 DISCUSSION TOPIC

In addition, we will begin an introductory, short speech assignment: Introducing your Selfie

Our readings for Wednesday will be the two linked readings found under the first module. Please come to class with notes and be prepared to discuss the reading. 

Introductory discussion:


Locate three photos of yourself on your phone, computer or posted to social networks you think are flattering. Locate three photos of yourself that you find to be unflattering, funny or embarrassing in some way.

Why are these embarrassing?