Aug 24, 2015 at 12am - Sep 8, 2015 at 11:59pm
This assignment was locked Sep 8, 2015 at 11:59pm.
Please review the 4 speeches below in the textbook. Next, find and research topics that you would be interested to present in-class. Submit this assignment on Canvas by the due date given on Canvas.
#2 How-To: (5-7 minutes)
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
#3 Explain: (5-7 minutes)
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Topic 3:
#4 Persuasive – Question of Fact/Value: (4-5 minutes)
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Topic 3:
#5 Persuasive – Question of Policy: (7-8 minutes)
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Topic 3:
Additional Comments:
Can't change a rubric once you've started using it.