Persuasion Speech 2 - Speech Planning Report
- Due Nov 20, 2015 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Nov 15, 2015 at 12am - Nov 20, 2015 at 11:59pm
For speeches 2, 3, 4, and 5, you will be required to file a planning report with your instructor. This allows the instructor to view your preparation, and to offer helpful feedback for your benefit. Pleasetype this report and turn it in on CANVAS on the dates indicated on your course schedule. Number the information on the report to correspond with the numbered segments below. This report should be one page and double spaced.
- Your name (full name, not e-mail address)
- Speaking Assignment (Speech 2, 3, 4, 5)
- General Purpose (to inform; to persuade)
- Thesis Statement
- Adaptation to Audience: How do you plan to relate this material to your classmates? Why is the information and/or issue you present of importance to them? How can they apply it to their lives?
- Organizational Pattern: Specify the organizational pattern you will use for the MAIN POINTS in the body of the speech. Why is this pattern appropriate for your speech? For speech #5, you will need to explain how your topic will fit Monroe’s Motivated Sequence.
- Support: Explain the type of information your will need to include about this topic in order to have a successful presentation. This is NOT a bibliography—do not list source citations. Do not simply say “I will need some statistics, testimony, and examples.” List information you feel you will need to locate in order to effectively inform or persuade your audience.
- Credibility: How do you plan to enhance your credibility during the speech? (How do you know this information? Through research? Through personal experience? Courses you have taken?) What will you do in the introduction and the body of your speech to enhance your credibility? Be specific.Visual Aids: What VA’s do you intend to use? What function will they serve and how will they enhance audience understanding?