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Connection Speech Rubric
Connection Speech Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
INVENTION - Content Development; Support of Thesis
threshold: pts
2 pts
EXEMPLARY - In addition to satisfactory, thorough development of content, which includes: Well-written main points; Main points well-supported with compelling examples, stories
1.5 pts
SATISFACTORY - Speech – Identifies distinct main points appropriate for audience and purpose; Connect content development to speech chosen
1 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT - Speech – Main points present, but unbalanced, overlap, or in other ways, are indistinct
0 pts
DEFICIENT - Speech – Unclear main points; Lacks supporting details
2 pts
ARRANGEMENT - Introduction
threshold: pts
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: Introduction includes: Motivating attention-getter, creates desire to listen; Highly important topic; Unique, creative personal credibility statement; Unique, creative and powerful thesis; Introduction well-developed, satisfying for audience, topic and purpose.
0.75 pts
SATISFACTORY: Introduction includes: Attention-getting device, connecting topic to audience; Statement on importance of topic for audience; Speaker credibility; Concise thesis
0.5 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Introduces topic is some way, but introduction may lack: Attention-getter; Clear thesis; Purpose; Audience connection and/or development
0 pts
DEFICIENT: Introduction missing. Stated “my topic is” or something similar, just to start talking.
1 pts
ARRANGEMENT - Organizational Pattern
threshold: pts
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: The speech: Relies on exceptionally clear, logical progression within/between ideas. Organization compelling, moves audience through speech with ease.
0.75 pts
SATISFACTORY: The speech: Relies on reasonably clear and logical progression within/between ideas. Body reflects adequate clarity, organization. Is easy to follow; ideas adequately covered.
0.5 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: The speech relies on: An organizational pattern that is present, but unclear. Awkward transitions.
0 pts
DEFICIENT: The speech: Fails to provide clear and logical progression within/among ideas. Fails to leave audience with a clear message. Lacks transitions or connections.
1 pts
ARRANGEMENT - Conclusion
threshold: pts
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: In addition to Satisfactory, conclusion is thought provoking and satisfying.
0.75 pts
SATISFACTORY: Speech relies on language that is reasonably clear, vivid, appropriate.
0.5 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Conclusion is inconsistently tied to some information discussed. May lack reference to thesis, review of main points, or thought-provoking final statement.
0 pts
DEFICIENT: Conclusion is abrupt. Speech just stops rather than summarizes or concludes.
1 pts
STYLE - Language
threshold: pts
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: Language choice: Exceptionally clear; Inclusive, vivid and creative; Enhance audience comprehension, enthusiasm for thesis; Strong in standards of grammar, usage.
0.75 pts
SATISFACTORY: Speech relies on language that is reasonably clear, vivid, appropriate.
0.5 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Speech relies on inconsistent language choices that may, at times, be unclear for audience or purpose.
0 pts
DEFICIENT: Speech relies on: Unclear or inappropriate language. Undefined jargon. Language that is not inclusive. Language lacks attention to audience and/or purpose.
1 pts
DELIVERY - Physical Delivery
threshold: pts
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: Speaker demonstrates polished techniques of physical delivery. Physical delivery consistently supports verbal messages and enhances speaker credibility. Physical delivery adds interest. Speaker is comfortable.
0.75 pts
SATISFACTORY: Speaker demonstrates acceptable posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and dress. Physical delivery generally supports message in ways that neither distract from the speaker’s credibility nor interfere with the message.
0.5 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: The speaker may, at times, rely on inconsistent delivery choices that include: Awkward posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and/or dress. Posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and/or dress that detract from speaker credibility or distract audience from message.
0 pts
DEFICIENT: Reading speech or insufficient eye contact or poise.
1 pts
DELIVERY - Vocal Delivery
threshold: pts
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: Strong vocal variety. Effective volume. Invites positive connection with audience. Creates attention, interest throughout.
0.75 pts
SATISFACTORY: Adequate use of vocal variety. Strong volume. Few vocal fillers.
0.5 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Ineffective or awkward use of vocal variety and volume.
0 pts
DEFICIENT: Inadequate volume and/or tone. Verbal fillers distracting.
1 pts
threshold: pts
2 pts
Meets the stated time requirements.
0 pts
Fails to meet the stated time requirements.
2 pts
Total Points: 10 out of 10