Persusion Speech 2 - Question of Policy FINAL Outlilne
- Due Dec 10, 2015 by 7:30am
- Points 105
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Nov 19, 2015 at 3pm - Dec 10, 2015 at 11:59pm
Once again, you will use the three column outline for this speech, but instead of thinking of main points, think instead like the attorney before the jury - what are your assertions? Label in the left hand column your evidence and indicate whether it is using logos, pathos, or ethos. (Refer to p. 279 of your text.) Also, indicate in the left hand column whether you are making a claim, providing evidence, or offering a warrant. (Refer to p. 289)
You will still use the center column of the outline for your full-sentence outline of your speech. Again, reserve the right column for presentation cues for yourself.
Refer to the rubric below to make sure you have met all of the requirements of this assignment.
Three column outline format - Three Column Outline Template (1).doc
Download Three Column Outline Template (1).doc
Sample Completed Outline Sample using MMS: Sample Persuasion Policy Speech Outline.docx Download Sample Persuasion Policy Speech Outline.docx
On the date the outline is due, you will need to provide me with a PRINTED copy of your outline, as well as upload your Word document. These are due before the start of class on the due date.