Student Tutorial

IU High School Student Tutorial

IU High SchoolStudent Tutorial for Canvas

Instructor: IU High School
Instructor e-mail:

Welcome to the Student Tutorial for Canvas!

Courses in Canvas have a wide variety of styles of organization. (More on this later...) Each course will guide you through the features you will need, and of course you can rely on your teacher and the IUHS office staff for help as well. This tutorial will cover the main features of Canvas that IUHS courses use the most. In fact, the tutorial is designed to look and feel much like a typical course.
Most courses in Canvas have the information below on the Home page. Feel free to explore the links provided below; then click the Syllabus link below or at left.

You must read this before starting your course (click link to read)

For information about getting started, read Tips for Getting Started.

To learn about how to use the Canvas system, explore this Student Tutorial. (Don't bother with this one - you are already in the tutorial!)

To find out where to get help with course, technical, and administrative questions, read Where to Get Help.

To begin working on your course, go to the Syllabus page.