Exam Audio Files

Some IUHS exams may include audio files that you will need to listen to. Normally there will be a test audio file in the exam instructions. This gives you the opportunity to try playing a file on your computer system before doing so in an actual live exam.

Below are two examples of what you can expect to see when there is an audio file:

(download) Download (download)Play media comment.

If you click on the blue rectangle, it should change to a long black band and the audio file should begin to play. If it does not, click the triangular 'play' button on the left side. This play button toggles into a pause button to let you pause the playback, then play again as you wish.

To the right of the play/pause button there is a progress bar, showing how much of the file remains to be played.

To the right of the progress bar you should see 1.00X. You can click there to change the play-back speed. Try 0.75X to hear the play-back at a slower speed, for example.

Alternatively you may see:

Click the triangle icon at the bottom left to play this audio file. The volume can be adjusted with the speaker icon. If you click the wheel icon at bottom right you can adjust the speed as well.