PTR Dossier resources
CAVEAT: There is a treasure trove of helpful documents here. However, documents dated 2018 or 2019 will provide the best reflection of current campus policy and practice. Feel free to contact UCET Career Mentor Elaine Roth ( or UCET Director Carolyn Schult ( with questions about current policy and/or practice.
Preparing your dossier for promotion or tenure is a long and reflective process. Your dossier needs to persuade reviewers that you meet the requirements for promotion or tenure in your unit, so it provides documentation of your accomplishments as well as personal statements about your teaching, research, and service and letters from others.
The most helpful source of information is participation in the PTR Prep Links to an external site. groups through UCET during the year you assemble your dossier. This group meets every few weeks for 4-6 months. UCET also holds periodic workshops on reappointment dossiers, which provide an overview of the same information.
Here are some of the resources we use organized by topics of:
- This document compares the official policies, expected practices, and advice for candidates. It is updated yearly. PTR Policy Practice Advice.pdf Download PTR Policy Practice Advice.pdf
- A good list of questions to ask your chair or dean, as you start preparing your dossier. PTR Questions to ask your Chair Download PTR Questions to ask your Chair
- Determine who will be your dossier manager--your chair, dean, or other senior faculty member? Refer them to the information on the page "Resources for Others in the PTR process." This checklist Download checklist for candidates and dossier managers is helpful.
- Get an overview of your case by filling out the Integrated Roles Venn Download Integrated Roles Venn Diagram (Mettetal & Bryant, 1996). This is a useful way to summarize your work and it can also help you decide where to place accomplishments that span boundaries. Some candidates use the diagram as an introduction to their dossier, particularly when they have many activities in the intersections of the roles.
- This is a wonderful document about how to document your service. It is particularly helpful to those who are going up for Full Professor, who have often done quite a bit of service. Service @ Indiana University.pdf Download Service @ Indiana University.pdf
- See Pages on Academic Vita, Teaching Philosophy and Documenting Your Teaching for more information.
- Reappointment dossier suggestions from Senate PTR Senate PTR Committee Reappointment Dossier Guidelines.docx Download Senate PTR Committee Reappointment Dossier Guidelines.docx Many of these are also relevant for promotion dossiers.
- Folders of the eDossier, in order. You can make a replica on Box to store your materials before the eDossier site becomes available to you. This document also gives guidance on which items go into particular folders--some are not obvious! eDossier Folders contents.docx Download eDossier Folders contents.docx
- Looking for older annual reports from the FAR system? For each faculty member, all past FAR reports (and any attachments) moved into DMAI under the “Annual Reports: Supporting Comments/Attachments” section. Organized by calendar year, faculty thus have access to their historic data.
- This Box folder Links to an external site. (only accessible to IU) contains sample promotion portfolios in Box folders, but as labeled for eDossier.
- Some sections of the eDossier are a little tricky. Here are some suggestions. This document is updated frequently. eDossier Frequently Asked Questions
- This is a wonderful document about how to document your service. It is particularly helpful to those who are going up for Full Professor, who have often done quite a bit of service. Service @ Indiana University.pdf Download Service @ Indiana University.pdf
- Your Dossier Manager will solicit letters from a few people external to IUSB who will evaluate your teaching, scholarship, and/or service. They will be sent your PTR guidelines and a mini-portfolio that is a subset of the eDossier materials. Here is a suggested list Download suggested list of what you might include in a mini-dossier for each area of excellence. These materials are typically sent as one or two PDF files that can be emailed to the reviewer.
- Information about the PTR solicited letters. Remember, you should NOT contact anyone yourself! PTR Letters info.doc Download PTR Letters info.doc
- An essay on getting external review letters Download getting external review letters. It is written with a research 1 perspective, so not everything is applicable. But it still provides some interesting points.
- Here is a template for your list of names so that your dossier manager can keep track. Feel free to adapt. Solicited letters checklist. Download Solicited letters checklist.
- Here are templates for the solicited letters that can be adapted.
- Internal letter template.doc Download Internal letter template.doc
- external letter template all three areas 3.20.2014.docx Download external letter template all three areas 3.20.2014.docx
- external letter scholarship bushnell.docx Download external letter scholarship bushnell.docx
- Student Ltr.doc Download Student Ltr.doc
- community ltr.doc Download community ltr.doc
- Suggestions of what to include in the mini-portfolio that goes to external reviewers. Mini-portfolio suggestions 3.20.14.docx Download Mini-portfolio suggestions 3.20.14.docx
- the Calendar is not published until August, but each year is pretty much the same. PTR Calendar 2019-20 Download PTR Calendar 2019-20