Career overview--ranks, promotion
What is your career path? What are the expectations for you to succeed? How often will you be evaluated and get feedback? What should you be doing now to succeed? These are all important questions! See this PPT from a UCET workshop--selected slides are also below.
Career planning workshop 9.2016.pptx Download Career planning workshop 9.2016.pptx
Here are some overviews about faculty ranks, promotions, expectations, and timelines. Career path and FAR vs reappt and circles.pptx Download Career path and FAR vs reappt and circles.pptx
The individual slides are below.
This is an overview of the various faculty ranks. Please check with your chair/dean to confirm the expectations for you--there are sometimes variations.
Here are the expectations for promotion to Associate Professor (with tenure), Senior Lecturer, Merit Status for Asso. faculty:
Annual reports vs. Reappointments
This slide describes how you will receive feedback: annual evaluations vs reappointments:
When am I evaluated?
Your Annual Report is due every January from your first year (yes, after just one semester) until you retire.
Your Reappointment materials are due at various times, based on your Category. The first reappointment is in your second year--check ahead of time with your chair/dean to know the exact date and what materials are expected. This table and explanation from Academic Affairs may be helpful.
Table of reappointment dates Download Table of reappointment dates.
Explanation of reappointment dates. Download Explanation of reappointment dates.
Venn diagram of Integrated Faculty Roles
Finally, this Venn diagram can be helpful as you try to sort out what you have done into teaching-scholarship-service. Some people will find that their work fits neatly into the three "buckets," but some will realize that much of their work integrates two or even three roles. Activities that are in the overlap areas might be placed in either of the "buckets" with an explanation of that choice. This can be important as you try to build a case for excellence in a particular area.