Academic Integrity/Plagiarism


IUB’s School of Education – Tutorial on How to Recognize Plagiarism Links to an external site.

  • Includes IU definition of plagiarism, overview, cases, examples, practice questions, test, and web resources

IUB’s School of Education -- Test on How to Recognize Plagiarism Links to an external site.

  • Includes 10 questions on how to recognize different cases of plagiarism; after completing the test, students can print out a confirmation certificate and give to faculty.

Definition of Plagiarism based on the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Links to an external site.

  • You may copy and paste this definition to your syllabus.

  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work, including the work of other students, as one’s own. Any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged, unless the information is common knowledge. What is considered “common knowledge” may differ from course to course.

    1. A student must not adopt or reproduce ideas, opinions, theories, formulas, graphics, or pictures of another person without acknowledgment.
    2. A student must give credit to the originality of others and acknowledge indebtedness whenever:
      1. directly quoting another person’s actual words, whether oral or written;
      2. using another person’s ideas, opinions, or theories;
      3. paraphrasing the words, ideas, opinions, or theories of others, whether oral or written;
      4. borrowing facts, statistics, or illustrative material; or
      5. offering materials assembled or collected by others in the form of projects or collections without acknowledgment


Two options exist for using Turnitin at IU:

1) You can use Turnitin within the Assignments tool in Canvas. This integration allows student-submitted papers to be sent to Turnitin directly from Canvas. Learn more about this process at Links to an external site..

2) You can set up a profile with Links to an external site. and create classes and assignments on their website. With this option, your students will also need to create profiles and enroll in your course site on Links to an external site.. They would then submit their papers to that website, which is also where you would view their reports. This option also allows you to submit papers yourself. We will need to set up an account for you before you can use this option.  Please contact UCET ( for additional information on setting up an account.  

Turnitin User Guides for Instructors Links to an external site. & Students Links to an external site..