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Indiana University

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Lesson 1: Vamos a acampar

Lesson 1: Vamos a acampar


Poza Azul

¡Bienvenidos! This is the first lesson of third-year Spanish. ¡Felicitaciones! You’ve probably done an outstanding job on two years of Spanish and are looking forward to a new, academically challenging, action-packed third year of Spanish.

Well, this course is exactly the same as Spanish I and Spanish II, except it has the number III in front of it. ¡No te creas, estoy jugando! I am such a jolly jokester. Sometimes I find it hard to stop laughing at myself. Or stop crying. Anyway, where was I? Of course this is a different course of Spanish.

Ah, , we are camping in México in this lección, watching out for conejitos, colibrís, mariposas, pericos, papagayos, changitos, delfines, ballenas, águilas, buhos, javelinas, coyotes, jaguares, alacranes, zopilotes, arañas viudas negras, víboras de cascabel, chupacabras, vampiros...