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Indiana University

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Course Purpose

Physics is an all-important field of study in our day. From simple things such as fixing a sagging gate on your backyard fence, to understanding why the engine in your car works, to being able to intelligently discuss such complex issues as nuclear energy, all affect your very being every day. Most of the world deals with these issues without the luxury of understanding the nature of them. How unfortunate for all of us that the majority votes on things they know very little about!

This course has been designed to guide you in your quest for knowledge in the discipline of physics. An introductory high-school course in physics will greatly assist you, particularly if you are bound for college. Others of you may simply have a thirst to understand the fundamentals of physics for the purpose of broadening your horizons. In either case, this course should fit your needs.

Note: This course is designed to work best in the Mozilla Firefox browser. Many of the math symbols throughout this course may not display correctly in other browsers, particularly the Chrome browser. Make sure you are using the latest version of Firefox, available as a free download at

To view this course properly, you will need to have MathML fonts installed. If you do not already have these installed, you will get an error message letting you know. You can find the fonts at this website: Fonts for MathML-enabled Mozilla.