What's Going On at UCET
Upcoming events and event recordings
Check out our event listing to view upcoming events and watch recordings of past events or download our semester program calendar.
View Upcoming Events and Past Recordings Links to an external site.
For support needs call or email UCET: 574-520-4894 or ucet@iu.edu
Jay VanderVeen | NS 243 | jmvander@iu.edu | 574-520-4618
Cati Hebert-Annis | NS 235 | cchebert@iu.edu | 574-520-5044
Amy Pawlosky | NS 242 | amypawlo@iu.edu | 574-520-4465
Anna Michelle Martinez-Montavon | NS 240 | ama9@iu.edu | 574-520-4529
Joel Langston | NS 233/DW 1145 | jblangst@iu.edu | 574-520-5550
Joe Haase | DW 1145 | jhaase1@iu.edu | 574-520-5558
David Blouin | DW 2289 | dblouin@iu.edu | 574-520-4501
Nancy Merrick | NS 244 | nmerrick@iu.edu | 574-520-4894