M3:W9 | HYPERDOC \\ Getting Started
- Due Mar 9, 2022 at 11:59pm
- Points 1
- Questions 1
- Time Limit None
Welcome to the Confronting Hate Hyperdoc
You will be creating a Public Service Announcement (PSA) using the iWitness online tool. Your PSA should push back against online hate and include the following items:
- Testimony from at least two survivors of genocide (you may use more than two, and you may use the testimony of a liberator as a third person [encouraged!] but the liberator does not count as testimony of a survivor);
- A slogan that encourages action against hate (it should be *your* slogan, but you can be inspired by other slogans);
- A quote that gets at the nature of hate (it can be from your readings);
- Reference to at least two specific actions that can be used to push back against hate.
Your PSA should be at least 60 seconds long (not including the iWitness credits screen). You may use properly licensed images in your video, as well as the music and graphics that are available through the iWitness Video Editor.
You will be embedding this PSA and including a written reflection memo on your ePortfolio.
Model PSA
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