Transparency and the Role of Study Registration | Speaker Dr. Noah Haber
Noah Haber, Ph.D.
Dr. Noah Haber an interdisciplinary scientist working at the crossroads of causal inference, infectious disease, economics, epidemiology, and meta-science. Dr. Haber’s background integrates interconnected lines of quantitative research, including evaluating the strength of causal inference across the pathway from publication to decision-making, and global HIV/AIDS measurement and evaluation. His methodological roots in health economics and econometrics were developed largely during his doctoral years at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, with additional interdisciplinary studies and collaboration in epidemiology during his prior postdoctoral fellowship at the University of North Carolina and meta-science work at the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford University (METRICS). Dr. Haber is currently a Principal Research Scientist at the Center for Open Science, working on a wide range of experiments and projects to improve publication and rigor in institutional science. Dr. Haber's work is oriented toward improving evaluation and production of evidence to improve actionability for decision-makers. That includes developing methods and systems to more systematically review and understand strength of causal inference and study design across health research, helping decision-makers understand the extent and nature of evidentiary uncertainty, executing large scale evidence review, or bridging conceptual gaps between epidemiology and econometrics.
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