Mediation and Moderation: Design and Analysis | Speaker Dr. Amanda Fairchild
Amanda Fairchild, Ph.D.
Dr. Fairchild joins us from the University of South Carolina Psychology Department, where she is a Professor, Associate Department Chair, and founding Director of the Quantitative Psychology Ph.D. Concentration.
An APS Fellow, Dr. Fairchild has centered her work on assessing and applying statistical techniques, as well as on translating innovative methods for applied researchers to promote best practices. These efforts have encompassed methodological research in statistical mediation and moderation analyses, as well as psychometrics. Most recently, she has been investigating new methods for causal inference. In addition to her primary research in methodology, Dr. Fairchild collaborates routinely with several colleagues on substantive research projects. Her collaborative work covers a variety of domains including health promotion and neurodevelopmental disorders.
She has directly contributed to over $45M in federally sponsored awards to her university in PI, Co-I, and Mentor roles, and her scientific work has been cited over 13,000 times.
- Assessing Mediation Using Marginal Structural Models in the Presence of Confounding and Moderation Links to an external site.
- A Causal Approach to Functional Mediation Analysis with Application to a Smoking Cessation Intervention Links to an external site.
- A General Model for Testing Mediation and Moderation Effects Links to an external site.
- Using Mediation and Moderation Analyses to Enhance Prevention Research Links to an external site.
- Best (but Oft-Forgotten) Practices: Mediation Analysis Links to an external site.
- Mediation Analyses: Applications in Nutrition Research and Reading the Literature Links to an external site.
- The Correspondence between Causal and Traditional Mediation Analysis: The Link is the Mediator by Treatment Interaction Links to an external site.
- Mediation Analysis Links to an external site.
- Bias in Cross-Sectional Analyses of Longitudinal Mediation Links to an external site.
- The Use of Traditional and Causal Estimators for Mediation Models with a Binary Outcome and Exposure-Mediator Interaction Links to an external site.
- One Step at a Time: A Statistical Approach for Distinguishing Mediators, Confounders, and Colliders using Direction Dependence Analysis (DDA) Links to an external site.
- Mediation: R Package for Causal Mediation Analysis Links to an external site.
- Variable Selection for Mediators under a Bayesian Mediation Model Links to an external site.
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