IU Indianapolis Global Learning Toolkit
Welcome to the Global Learning Toolkit.
Join us to enrich and internationalize the curriculum.
The IU Indianapolis Office of International Affairs is excited to offer this resource to the IU community and beyond. This is an ongoing initiative and not a final product. Over time, with continued input from IU faculty and staff, we expect to enhance and add to the current contents.
Here you will find teaching strategies and tools for internationalizing curriculum and global learning at home and abroad that are designed by faculty, effective practices for facilitating international student engagement and success, as well as information about opportunities for instructors of all types to enhance their own intercultural learning.
Each strategy detailed in this toolkit has been tried and can be adapted in a variety of courses across disciplines. Users can decide which global learning strategies are the best fit for their courses, students, and learning goals. This toolkit is meant to inspire instructors of all types to try something new and think innovatively about their global teaching practices. The goal is to provide global learning practices for a variety of disciplines, contexts, classrooms, and student populations.
The Office of International Affairs is dedicated to connecting our campus, Indianapolis, and the world. We play a vital role in enhancing comprehensive internationalization at Indiana University Indianapolis and are a cornerstone for achieving goals of global engagement for local impact, as part of our campus strategic plan. We also partner with local organizations to support IU Indianapolis’s community engagement at home and abroad. Our campus was awarded the 2023 Innovation Award in Internationalization at the annual conference of the Association of International Education Administrators. To learn more about our efforts, please visit https://go.iu.edu/global learning Links to an external site. and https://go.iu.edu/curriculum-internationalization Links to an external site. and feel free to reach us at curriciz@iu.edu.
Global learning is the process by which we attain the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to negotiate and contribute to the complex and interconnected world in which we learn, work, and live. (IU Indianapolis 2021)
Now, more than ever, it is essential that students have the practical and intellectual skills to transcend differences, solve local and global issues, and work collectively to make the world a better place. As current and future members of the workforce and of diverse communities, students must know how to effectively work and solve problems alongside individuals with different backgrounds.
One doesn’t have to leave the state or country to gain--or see the need for--global skillsets. Indiana is global! Hoosiers speak 275+ world languages and more than 25% of Indiana’s economy comes from international trade, which supports 1 in 5 local jobs. Nationally, employers are seeking candidates with global mindsets. 93% of companies seek employees who can work effectively with clients and customers from different countries and cultures, 64% are interested in candidates with multicultural experience, and 35% give preference to multilingual applicants. (Source: Indiana Language Roadmap Links to an external site.)
Global learning promotes engagement externally: to effectively engage people, places, and ideas different from one’s own. On the other hand, it also helps learners look internally: at their own beliefs and assumptions, and at how global understanding is anchored at and made meaningful at home. Global learning produces cultural humility, the ability to recognize the lenses through which one sees the world while also being aware of and open to viewing the world through different lenses. Lastly, being global never detracts from one applying their international experiences to local communities. With global competencies, one can take action in local and global contexts with empathy and skill.
Indiana University Indianapolis Dimensions of Global Learning
In 2019, IU Indianapolis approved a set of global learning dimensions to support faculty as they intentionally teach more globally. The Dimensions of Global Learning Links to an external site. are designed as a tool for faculty, staff, and administrators to help them develop global and intercultural learning experiences across the curriculum and co-curriculum. The IU Indianapolis Dimensions of Global Learning help faculty and staff integrate experiential global learning opportunities for students during their IU Indy career, internationally and locally.
Global Learning At Home
Global learning at home reaches a large segment of the student population. Whether students are in courses that are virtual or in-person or they are working with peers synchronously or asynchronously, global learning at home provides opportunities for students to engage in discussion and collaborative work that addresses diverse cultural and national perspectives and allows them to better understand their own cultural background and lens. This module offers globally-focused teaching strategies that IU Indianapolis faculty have implemented in their own courses.
GLH1 How to Facilitate an Inclusive Environment
GLH2 How to Add a Comparative and International Perspective
GLH3 How to Incorporate Perspectives of IUI Global Community via the Global Voices Program
GLH4 How to Implement a Globally-Focused Project via the Diplomacy Lab
GLH5 How to Incorporate Intercultural Communication into Career Development - Medical & Healthcare
GLH7 How to Facilitate Meaningful Communication Between the Community and Students Coming Soon!
GLH8 How to Facilitate Global Learning by Addressing the SDGs
GLH9 How to Develop a Virtual Exchange for In-Person or Synchronous Courses
GLH10 How to Facilitate Cross-Cultural Dialogue by Engaging Students in Themed Conversations
GLH11 How to Redesign a Course to Increase the Diversity of Perspectives
GLH12 How to Facilitate Global Learning in an Asynchronous Online Course
Global Learning Abroad
Education abroad provides students with personal, academic, and career development benefits. Faculty are encouraged to create the most meaningful and applicable learning experience for their students, no matter the discipline, profession, or regional area of interest. The information and resources provided in this module address several aspects of facilitating a quality global learning experience abroad for before, during, and after program implementation.
Global Learning Abroad - Introduction
GLA1 Study Abroad Program Design and Development
GLA2 Learning Exercises and Assignments
GLA3 Ethical Community Engagement in Global Learning
International Student Success and Engagement
When international students feel included and confident, they are able to more fully engage both inside and outside the classroom, which maximizes opportunities for global learning. The purpose of this module is to deepen faculty and staff understanding about international students' experiences and needs to better equip them to support individual student success.
ISSE1 How to Support International Student Success & Engagement
ISSE2 Contribute to Transition Support & Ongoing Support
ISSE3 How to Support International Student Career Success
ISSE4 Additional Resources & References
Instructor Intercultural Learning
Intercultural and global learning is as important for instructors as it is for students. When an instructor has their own personal experience of learning and transformation that comes from engaging closely with people from other cultures at home or from negotiation places and interactions abroad they can more effectively design global learning experiences for their students and help their students to maneuver through and reflect on those experiences. Instructors also need access to networks that connect them with globally-focused peers and to organizations through which they can arrange their own global learning abroad. This module provides some of those networks and organizations.
IlL1 Virtual Exchange Community of Practice
IIL2 Fulbright Scholars Program
IIL4 World Council on Intercultural and Global Competence
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