GLH4 Objectives, Audience, Class Size, & Mode of Instruction

 Globally Focused Objectives

Diplomacy Lab is designed to address two priorities: 

  1. The Department of State’s determination to engage the American people in the work of diplomacy 
  2. The imperative to broaden the State Department’s research base in response to a proliferation of complex global challenges.  

Diplomacy Lab projects can also address the IU Indianapolis Dimensions of Global Learning and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals as well as any culturally- or globally focused objectives in the instructor’s discipline.  


Undergraduate and graduate courses are both eligible to take on a Diplomacy Lab project. Project descriptions will indicate the academic level that is appropriate.  

 Class Size

Classes of all sizes can implement a Diplomacy Lab project, including smaller independent study courses, provided that there is faculty member actively leading the project work. Projects can be done by an entire class or a sub-section of a class.  

 Mode of Instruction

All modes of instruction, in-person, online, or hybrid, are appropriate.