7 Top Notch Tips For UPSC IAS Exam 2023

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For many people, studying can become one of the most complicated tasks to carry out, presenting cases such as, for example, that no matter how much we read and reread a text, it becomes impossible for us to understand almost all the information. If this is your case, you should know that one of the reasons for this phenomenon is that you are probably not studying properly, so in this article we will help you improve your way of studying with some incredible tips that will help you at any level for Best UPSC Prelims | IAS | CSAT Books 2023.

Practical guide to learn to study better

Believe it or not, there are many tips and advice that can help you study in a better way, so that you can perform in the best way in all your exams and always get the best grades. With the help of some study techniques and a couple of practices, you will be able to develop good study habits, such as the following:

  • You must allocate a place to study: one of the biggest mistakes we make when studying is to carry out this task anywhere without realizing that the environment influences our learning. When we find ourselves in a place with a lot of noise, many people and several distracting agents, concentrating can become an almost impossible task. On the contrary, if you study in a quiet and comfortable place, with the right lighting and temperature, concentrating will be much easier.
  • Sleep is very important: the number of hours we sleep and whether or not we rest during that time is closely related to our performance when studying. It is scientifically proven that the better we rest, the better our effectiveness when studying, since our verbal, cognitive, spatial, numerical, and reasoning skills will work better, helping us to better understand the content.
  • Do not study hungry: hunger is one of the most common distracting elements when studying, so you should never do this activity without satisfying your appetite. If you eat a snack before you start, you will be able to concentrate more easily, your mind will work better and you will feel much better when reading. Always have something during your preparation with UPSC Previous Years Question Papers.
  • Set study schedules: we agree that studying for many hours can be overwhelming and boring, which helps us lose concentration at some point and not study effectively. However, establishing one or two hours a day to study will be ideal to better digest the information, train yourself in advance and be able to learn all the subjects you need.
  • Gather all the necessary supplies before sitting down to study: UPSC Prelims IAS Books 2023, notes, coloured pencils, eraser, sharpener, markers, sheets, post it, tablet, laptop, chargers and all the tools and materials you are going to use. This will be essential to avoid wasting time when you get up from the place and avoid losing concentration. You should also try to work on a wide table so that you can use everything with complete freedom.
  • Take a shower before studying: thanks to many scientific studies, it has been proven that taking a bath before starting to study will be very effective in relaxing muscles, reducing stress levels and activating cognitive activity. It is recommended to start with a shower with hot water to relax the muscles and periodically switch to warm water and finish with cold water to reactivate ourselves and improve circulation.
  • Breaks are important: one of the most used techniques worldwide is to take active breaks that will allow you not to get bored and to oxygenate the brain and muscles to be able to continue with your day successfully. Every 50 minutes of studying, get up from your seat, drink water and stretch for about five minutes.
  • Do not study for many hours: you must bear in mind that the objective of studying is to learn the information accurately and, above all, to understand the subject to be treated, so that in this way you can explain it fluently without having to look at the notes, so forget learning verbatim each one of the paragraphs. Therefore, allocating from one hour to four hours a day will be more than enough.
  • Avoid using your cell phone for anything other than studying: another great distracting agent is the cell phone since between social networks, messages and calls we can lose concentration very quickly while losing valuable time. We recommend that you turn it off or put it on silent.


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