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    BUEX-V594 Section 37186: Big Data & Open Source Software Projects (Offered through School of Informatics & Computing) – Geoffrey Fox This course studies software used in many commercial activities to study Big Data. The backdrop for course is the ~300 software subsystems illustrated at (Links to an external site.). We will describe the software architecture represented by this collection which we term HPC-ABDS (High Performance Computing - enhanced Apache Big Data Stack). The cloud computing architecture underlying ABDS and contrast of this with HPC. The software architecture with its different layers at (Links to an external site.) covering broad functionality and rationale for each layer. Then we will go through selected software systems – about 5% of those in the Kaleidoscope which have been already deployed on FutureSystems (previously called FutureGrid) cloud using OpenStack and Chef recipes. Students will chose one other open source member of Kaleidoscope each and deploy as illustrated in class The main activity of the course will be building a significant project using multiple HPC-ABDS subsystems combined with user code and data. Projects will be suggested or students can chose their own For more information, see: (Links to an external site.)

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