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Communication Studies C-223

Business and Professional Communication

Fall 2014 Syllabus

Steve Overbey, B.A., M.S.M. 

Contact Information:

Office Hours: By Appointment   


Required Text:

 Textbook Details: C223 Professional and Business Communication Fall 2014

Book Description

Publication Date: September 26, 2012 | ISBN-10: 0078036801 | ISBN-13: 978-0078036804 | Edition: 11
The 11th edition of Communicating at Work enhances the strategic approach, real-world practicality, and reader-friendly voice that have made this text the market leader for three decades. On every page, students learn how to communicate in ways that enhance their own career success and help their organization operate effectively.
This edition retains the hallmark features that have been praised by faculty and students--a strong emphasis on ethical communication and cultural diversity, discussions of evolving communication technologies, and self-assessment tools--while incorporating important updates and ground-breaking digital teaching and learning tools to help students better connect to the course material and apply it to real world business situations.

Textbook Details

COMMUNICATING AT WORK | Edition: 11TH 13 Links to an external site.
Author: ADLER
ISBN: 9780078036804
Publication Date: 09/28/2012
Publisher: MCG
Estimated Student Price:
Print, new: $168.00
Print, new rental: $109.20
eBook, buy: $100.10
eBook, rent (for 180 days): $78.25
Student use of this title is: Required
Rating: Details
Title: Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and the Professions | Edition: 11
Author: Ronald Adler, Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Kristen Lucas
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education


*You can also purchase this textbook from any of your used textbook sources. Just make sure you have this by the second week of class. 


Technology Requirements for the C223 Course:

  1. ONCOURSE CL will provide our learning space—familiarize yourself now with the features of ONCOURSE CL. Look to the menu on the left side for access to the various ONCOURSE TOOLS you are required to use. I understand that there can be technical difficulties, however, you SHOULD NOT wait until the last minute to complete and submit assignments—I will not accept excuses for missing or late submissions. If you cannot find answers in the help features of ONCOURSE or the IU Knowledge Base Links to an external site. then you might try UITS help desk at 317-274-help (4357).
  2. Microsoft Word 2007 or later (Microsoft Word and Office Software can be downloaded from IUWare in OneStart).

Course Description:

C223, Business and Professional Communication, is a course designed to help students study, prepare and present various forms of communication, including interviews, speeches, and oral reports appropriate to business and professional organizations, and engage in group discussion and methods.

Since Communication R110 is a prerequisite for this course I am confident you have been exposed to detailed preparation outlines for the interview and group report assignments, if not then use the Speech Lab or the Writing Center. Should you have problems with outlining you may wish to consult with a student mentor in the Speech Lab located in Cavanaugh Hall. Their location is in the basement of Cavanaugh Hall and you may call 317-278-7940 or go to Links to an external site. for hours and to arrange an appointment.  I expect the use of complete sentences in all outlines EXCEPT the Keyword (speaking) outline for Week six.

Course Objectives: This course has seven main learning objectives that will utilize computer-mediated communication:

·      To recognize how the application of theory can help build an efficient business or professional organization.

·      To gain an understanding of the basic theories and praxis of computer-mediated interpersonal   communication, group communication, and organizational communication.

·      To utilize effective preparation and delivery methods for computer-mediated communication events.

·      To measure the effectiveness of computer mediated communication events.

·      To investigate strategies that promotes clear computer-mediated interpersonal, small group, and   organizational communication events.

·      To account for factors that both support and hinder healthy computer-mediated business communication.

·      To perform more effectively in computer-mediated interpersonal, small group, and public speaking events.

A special note to IUPUI students

·    Do you have a problem you don’t know how to solve?

·    Do you have a question that needs an answer or a problem that is affecting your class attendance or performance?

·     The Student Advocate Office is here to help!  The Student Advocate Office is located in UCOO2 and can be contacted by phone at 27S-7594 or email at For more information, see the Student Advocate website at: www.

Adaptive Educational Services

·         AES coordinates support services and academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities.

·         AES ensures students with documented disabilities have equal opportunities to pursue a college education, while also ensuring a high level of academic integrity is maintained.

·         AES provides professors, instructors, and university staff with expert advice and technical assistance.

·         Contact AES at: Links to an external site. or 317-274-3241 or 317-278-2050 (TDD/TTY).

How to Start the Class (self-discipline is required to successfully complete this online course):

  1. Download Syllabus and Study It 
  2. Go to the “Module” link on ONCOURSE Tool menu (on the left) and become familiar with chapters to cover, and when quizzes, forum discussions, and written assignments, are due. I WILL NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK!
  3. NOTE: Information here is also available on Oncourse in various places (“Modules” tab, “Resources” tab, and with different associated “Forums”).
  4. Use the Course Forum if you have any questions or problems (unless it is a personal issue that you want kept between yourself and the instructor).

Technical Support:

  1. If you are having problems with technical aspects of this course, please follow the following protocols in this order:
    1. Consult the “Help” documentation associated with the hardware or software you are using to see if an answer can be found there first.
    2. Consult the “C223 Course Question and Answer” forum to see if your question has already been posted and/or a reply has been given from the instructor.
    3. Check your email to see if I have sent you an email about the problem as it is possible someone has emailed me about the problem and I have sent the class an email about it.
    4. For questions regarding either ONCOURSE or Adobe Connect, you have several avenues to use (Note: they are unable to answer questions about Connect):

e.   ITHelpLive: The IU system has ITHelpLive available M-F from 8am-9pm. You can chat with a consultant live during this time. Click on the following link for more information: Links to an external site.

       ii.            Try using the Indiana University Knowledge Base at:

      iii.   Links to an external site.

     iv.            Phone: The IUPUI helpdesk can be contacted via phone at 317-274-4357. They are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

       v.            Walk-in Support: The UITS Support Center in IT (check for hours).

     vi.            Email: The IU system can answer technical questions via email at Please allow 24 hours for a reply. 

    vii.            IUPUI has a 24-Hour computer lab located in IT 131 if you encounter computer problems and need to submit something before its deadline.

  1. When emailing your teammates, classmates, or instructor, use the subject line in your header so everyone will know what the email is regarding.

The Module Tool (in the left hand menu) in ONCOURSE features:

  • Chapter Objectives—this is information from the author pertaining to the purpose of the chapter as well as some specific goals the student should strive for in understanding the given information.


  • Forum Discussion deadlines—grades will be assigned based on thoroughness of responses (you need to study the text and respond with intelligent and informed language – references to the text will help).
  • Chapter Quiz Deadline—make up quizzes are not possible. There are ten questions for each chapter.
  • Chapter Written Assignment Deadline—submission will be closed at 6pm EDT on the deadline date.


This class will use IUPUI’s grading scale. If you are a transient student you should be familiar with your institutions policies about how grades transfer.

I use the GRADEBOOK feature in ONCOURSE CL and I will have grades posted within 48 hours of the deadline for submission. Quiz grades should be automatically submitted to gradebook. The GRADEBOOK TOOL is located on the left hand menu. Please refer to the gradebook to get an idea as to your current grade in the class. Gradebook calculates your current grade based on a percentage of the available points posted at a given time.


 6 quizzes at 25 points each


 6 assignments


Chapter Discussion Questions worth 10 points each


1 Forum introduction


1 Course contract


Attendance and Professionalism


Total possible points



Disputes regarding grades will be handled in the following manner. You must discuss it with me before complaining to anyone else, so here are the rules.

·         You must wait at least 24 hours and no longer than one week after receiving the grade to contact me.

·         You must arrange a meeting with me in my virtual office.

·         You should have in your possession at our meeting all materials relevant to the assignment.

·         I would suggest that you make notes regarding your dispute and have cites (if needed) ready.

Tips for Taking Online Quizzes

  1. Set aside a quiet time where you can take your examination without any interruptions or distractions.
  2. Do not leave the Oncourse Test open for any periods of time of inactivity as Oncourse will time you out and log you out.
  3. Exams are timed and will automatically submit your answers once the time period has concluded.
  4. Students should consider using Mozilla Firefox. Firefox in both platforms has the Java script that robustly supports Oncourse. Safari does not and IE doesn't always.
  5. Always maximize your browser before taking the examination.
  6. Turn off Instant Messaging, email notification or other programs that may distract you while you are taking the examination.
  7. If you are using a dial-up connection to take the examination:
    1. Disable the Call Waiting feature by hitting *70 on the phone
    2. If the computer you are using is sharing a phone line with a telephone, unplug the phone prior to taking the examination.
  8. I can monitor via Oncourse when you take the exam, how long it took you to take it, and so on.
  9. If you have problems before or during the exam, follow the protocol established under the topic “Technical Support” found earlier in this syllabus. DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE.
  10. Questions are scrambled, therefore if you want to ask about one be sure to write it out. Numbers will mean nothing.

Instructor Feedback:

  1. Email: I will provide you with a response within 24 hours of my receipt of your email.
  2. Course Question and Answer Forum: I will provide you with a response posting within 24 hours of your post.
  3. Homework: I will provide you with grades and feedback within 48 hours of your homework posting.
  4. Assignments: I will provide you grades and feedback within 1 week of the assignment’s due date.
  5. Examinations: Oncourse allows for instant grades and feedback; other questions will be answered within 24 hours or receipt.
  6. I will monitor your online activity, your use of course material, and the quality of the material you generate. If I notice you are not actively participating online, participating in a late manner, or participating unsubstantially, I will send you a private email encouraging you to return to giving the course your fullest academic attention.

My expectations for students in the Course:

  1. Students are expected to do all readings and assignments promptly and by the calendar date established.
  2. Students are expected to check their email and ONCOURSE daily.
  3. Students are expected to be respectful of their teammates, classmates, and instructor at all times.
  4. Students should contribute to the education of themselves, their classmates, and their instructor. As such all of you are expected to take an active role in helping all of us learn.
  5. Students are expected to exhibit responsible, honest and ethical behavior in this course.
  6. Students are expected to participate interactively in this course. Students are expected to keep their discussion board conversations on track and free of irrelevant information. Use the General/Catch-All or Course Venting Forum for these types of posts.
  7. Students are expected to “back-up” their work in multiple forms (hard drive, flash drive, CD-R, etc.) to prevent any potential problems.
  8. Students are expected to confer with me about any problems or concerns about the course.
  9. Students should feel free to make suggestions regarding the course or contribute ideas to foster mutual learning and understanding.
  10. As a courtesy to your teammates and instructor, if you decide to drop this class during the semester, please send an email to your teammates and instructor as soon as possible so everyone knows immediately and is not left wondering as to your whereabouts.
  11. You should learn and practice APA style for your work in this course.
  12. Personal comments and/or discussions should be handled in ONCOURSE Message, not the Forums.
  13. I expect thorough and academic responses to the Forum postings. Weak responses will receive weak grades. The same goes for all work in this class.


This course is designed with the intention that everyone will progress at the same time and meet the course deadline promptly so we can keep the class moving and accomplish all tasks assigned. While there are opportunities to “work ahead” (the homework assignments, taking quizzes, the different projects, etc.) other assignments might require you either respond to your teammates postings by assigned times as well as work with your group members. In that sense, you will not be able to work ahead per se but will have to work within the deadlines established.

Student Contract:

Your signature on the student contract indicates your awareness of the requirements for the course as laid out in the syllabus and your academic commitment to yourself and your classmates for the entire course duration. Download a copy of the contract Links to an external site., complete the blank spaces and return it as a document in the Assignment tool (Wednesday June 27th). I will not post any grades or respond to any queries unless the contract is submitted.

Late Work:

Late work will not be accepted. Forums and quizzes will be locked once the deadline has passed and will not be reopened unless something prompts me to reopen it. DO NOT--I repeat DO NOT wait until the last minute to take the quizzes or to submit assignments; if you have problems submitting at the last minute I'm very sorry, but it's not my fault and you should always learn to take precautions.

Academic Integrity:

All IUPUI members, including students, faculty, staff and administrators, are committed to the mission of this institution. As members of the academic community, you are expected to be truthful in all academic relationships on campus in support of this mission. In all academic courses, you are responsible for submitting work that is uniquely your own, and to engage in contact that is befitting IUPUI. You are also expected to engage all course material in an honest, ethical manner. As you engage in this course, please remain committed to the mission of IUPUI and respectful of your classmates and colleagues as they pursue the mission as well. I am a strong supporter of academic honesty and take charges of academic dishonestly very seriously.

For more information, consult Part 3: Student Misconduct in the IU Student Code of Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, available online at Links to an external site.

If it has been determined that you have violated a portion of Part 3 of the IU Student Code of Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, penalties can range from failure for the assignment, failure for the course, suspension from IUPUI or expulsion from IUPUI. The penalty assigned will be contingent on the nature and severity of the violation.


I have placed documents and instructions for assignments in Modules/Assignments.  



(Approved: University Faculty)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

  1. 1.    The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. A student should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. 2.    The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the University to amend a record should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested, the University will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student's right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. 3.    The right to provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The University discloses education records without a student's prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using University employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the University. Upon request, the University may disclose education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. Finally, "public information" may be released freely unless the student files the appropriate form requesting that certain public information not be released. This form is available at the Office of the Registrar. Public information is limited to name; address; e-mail address; phone; major field of study; dates of attendance; admission or enrollment status; campus; school, college, or division; class standing; degrees and awards; activities; sports; and athletic information.
  4. 4.    The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Indiana University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

    Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC 20202-5901


Syllabus reviewed 8/1/2014

Course Summary:

Date Details Due
Public Domain This course content is offered under a Public Domain Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.