Week 1- The Wall, Post 1
- Due Oct 26, 2014 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
Great question, check out this website and/or little video Links to an external site. to learn more about it.
So here is the deal:
- Each week, you are expected to respond directly to the new question on "The Wall". In other words, for each new question, you must "JOIN THE DEBATE" and then "ADD A NEW OPINION"
- You will also need to debate other Wall users and respond to users who debate you (see "Week 1- The Wall, Post 2" & "Week 1- The Wall, Post 3").
Doing so has multiple benefits:
- Practicing the skill of civil debate.
- Enhancing your understanding on the controversial issue being discussed.
- Increasing your political attentiveness.
- Engaging with others in meaningful discussion using an innovative technology.
So here's what you need to do:
- Go to www.civildebatewall.com
Links to an external site.
- Click "CREATE ACCOUNT" in the upper right-hand corner
- Create an account, complete with a picture of your beautiful face.
- Read the question and then click through some of the responses to get a feel for what people are saying about it. Maybe do a little research on the topic? Just a suggestion.
- Click on "JOIN THE DEBATE"
- Click on "ADD A NEW OPINION"
- Click on "YES" or "NO" depending on your opinion
- Enter your 140-character or less response
- Click on "NEXT"
Woo hoo! You did it! But you're not done yet. Here's what you need to do in order to get credit for your post:
- Take a screenshot
Links to an external site. of your post and then upload it here! See example below.
- Submit!
Now you're done! Congratulations.