
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 11 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Some Rubric
Some Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
The Issue You Pick
threshold: pts
30 pts
Meets expectations: The student identifies an issue that you could actually do something to address.
15 pts
Below expectations: The student identifies an issue. It is not certain that it is an issue that one could reasonably address.
0 pts
No credit: The student did not identify an issue that he or she could actually address.
30 pts
The Sources You are Beginning to Utilize
threshold: pts
20 pts
Meets expectations: The student provides at least 5 sources written in an academic citation style.
10 pts
Below expectations: The student provides fewer than 5 sources AND/OR the student provides sources, but not in an academic citation style.
0 pts
No credit: The student did not provide sources.
20 pts
Issue Introduction (Substantive)
threshold: pts
25 pts
Meets expectations: The student wrote an Issue Introduction that identifies the issue, explains its importance, provides historical context for the issue, identifies competing views, and states the student’s stance on the issue. It is clear that the student called upon some of his or her sources in writing the Issue Introduction.
13 pts
Below expectations: The student wrote an Issue Introduction that is missing 1-2 required elements AND/OR is unclear whether the student called upon some of his or her sources in writing the Issue Introduction.
0 pts
No credit: The student wrote an incomplete Issue Introduction that is missing 3 or more of the required elements AND/OR the student clearly did not call upon sources in writing the Issue Introduction.
25 pts
Issue Introduction (Technical)
threshold: pts
25 pts
Meets expecations: The student wrote a clear and concise one-page Issue Introduction that has no more than two grammatical, spelling, or other typographical errors.
13 pts
Below expectations: The student wrote a one-page Issue Introduction that has between 3 and 5 grammatical, spelling, or other typographical errors AND/OR the Issue Introduction is lacking somewhat in clarity.
0 pts
No credit: The student wrote an Issue Introduction with no regard for the page limit AND more than 5 grammatical, spelling, or typographic errors AND/OR the Issue Introduction is unclear and difficult to understand.
25 pts
Total Points: 100 out of 100