
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 6 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Generational Survey Rubric
Generational Survey Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Survey Tool
threshold: pts
40 pts
Meets expectations: The student provides evidence that s/he surveyed at least 20 members of a generational group using CIRCLE’s Civic Engagement Quiz. Spreadsheet provided and organized by respondent.
25 pts
Below expectations: The student surveyed less than 20 members of a generational group using CIRCLE’s Civic Engagement Quiz AND/OR the student surveyed at least 20 individuals from different generational groups AND/OR the student did not provide a spreadsheet organized by respondent.
0 pts
No credit: The student suveyed less 10 or less individuals AND/OR the student did not provide a spreadsheet.
40 pts
Generational Profile
threshold: pts
30 pts
Meets expectations: The student created a profile for the generational group s/he selected that creatively uses text, images, charts, and/or graphs to clearly illustrate his/her findings.
15 pts
Below expectations: The student created an adequate profile for the generational group s/he selected that is lacking in creativity or clarity.
0 pts
No credit: The student’s profile is unclear AND lacking in meaningful detail and/or analysis.
30 pts
threshold: pts
10 pts
Meets expectations: The student wrote thoughtful responses to all four Reflection prompts.
5 pts
Below expectations: The student only completed two of the four Reflection prompts AND/OR the student wrote brief and incomplete responses to the Reflection prompts.
0 pts
No credit: The student did not complete the Reflection section.
10 pts
Typology of Civic Engagement
threshold: pts
20 pts
The student provided a correctly completed typology.
10 pts
The student did not correctly complete the typology.
0 pts
The student did not provide a typology.
20 pts
Total Points: 100 out of 100