Continue Working on Civic Action Plan
- Due Dec 3, 2014 by 9:09am
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
- Available until Dec 7, 2014 at 11:59pm
The principal instructional activity for this Module is to continue working on your Civic Action Plan. You will do this in two simple, but important steps.
- Create your timeline. This should be a one- to two-page bulleted outline that identifies major events and turning points in the issue’s history with three- to-five sentence descriptions of each. You are welcome to use images and other media to illustrate the events and turning points. Just be sure to cite your source if you did not create it! You are also welcome to use an online timeline generator such as the one of these:
- Toki-toki:
- Time Toast:
- Timeglider: Links to an external site. Links to an external site.
- Write your Statement of Policy Goal This is a one-page statement of your goal for the issue that identifies the exact policy outcome you would like to see enacted, including the level of government (international, federal, state, local) at which you would like to see it enacted, with an accompanying rationale. You are welcome to embed a video, image, graph, and/or chart to support your goal. Again, be sure to cite your source if you did not create it! Here’s a few parameters you need to follow in order to write an effective statement:
- Use evidence from your 5+ sources (Remember those sources? The ones you had to list for your “Begin Civic Action Plan” from Module 6...) as you write your statement and be sure to cite those sources.
- Write the statement in your own words, but don’t be afraid to use one or two [brief] quotes from your 5+ sources.
Important Note: Peer reviews will be assigned on Monday morning at 12:02 a.m. It is therefore imperative that you submit the assignment no later than Sunday at 11:59 p.m. No submissions will be accepted after that time.