Week 4- Level 1 Challenge Option: A Mighty Modern Military
Despite the drawdown of troops in the Middle East, there seems an strong desire to build American military might and further engagement around the world. According to a report by the Department of Defense dated March 31, 2012 titled “Active Duty Military Personnel Strengths by Region Area and by Country” the United States had military personnel on the ground in 148 different countries, with at least 668 overseas bases; these numbers do not include personnel classified as being “afloat” (at sea) or in classified (secret) assignments. There are understandably many governmental, industrial, and social influences guiding this continuous military outreach around the world. For this Challenge, your orders are to create a concept map linking the structures and systems encouraging or supporting ongoing military engagement.
Once you have completed the Week 4 Level 1 Challenge of Your choosing please submit it here.
- Look at some examples of concept maps online. Here’s one Links to an external site. on why students cheat. Realize that many of the examples online are text heavy. We would prefer that you limit your use of text, instead using symbols and images to represent the various mechanisms and examples you choose.
- Choose three identifiable frameworks you feel are best attributed to your concept. Examples may include (though are not limited to):
- Create a concept with a single focus (example: “American Military Presence in the Middle East”, or “Lasting Regional US Military Engagement Post-Conflict”).
- For each of the three frameworks you chose, provide three mechanisms or examples encouraging or supporting ongoing U.S. military engagement.
Write a 2-page reflection covering the following topics:
- What did you learn about US Military Engagement that you did not know before?
- What are your thoughts on troop numbers by region (see Multimedia Resource 1)? Do they make sense? Explain your answer.
- During your search, were there any structures or systems discouraging ongoing military engagement? Explain.
- Should the US be so readily engaged across the world? Justify your answer with 3 historical or supporting references.
Title |
Active Duty Military Personnel Strengths by Region Area and by Country |
Annotation |
This resource is will allow you to analyze troop locations, regions, and strength. |
Title |
Concept Map Example: Why Student’s Cheat on Tests |
Annotation |
This resource is will help you to identify the design and intent of a content map, and is helpful in that it has similarities to the intent of the assignment, without mirroring it. |
Title |
US Army War College: 2012-2013Key Strategic Issues List |
http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/download.cfm?q=1126 Links to an external site. |
Annotation |
This resource will enable you to identify military rationale for existing and future geographical engagement and will support the structure of your concept maps and reflections. |
No credit |
Below expectations |
Meets expectations |
Concept map topic and frameworks
The student did not identify frameworks to accompany his or her topic. |
The student selected a relevant topic and at least 2 frameworks. |
The student selected a relevant topic and identified at least 3 frameworks. |
Concept map mechanism and examples |
The student did not provide mechanisms or examples AND/OR no theoretical linkage demonstrated.
For each of the 3 chosen frameworks, the student provided at least 2 mechanisms or examples (total of 6) and demonstrated atheoretical linkage.
For each of the 3 chosen frameworks, the student provided at least 3 mechanisms or examples (total of 9)and demonstrated atheoretical linkage. |
Reflection |
The student did not complete the Reflection portion of the Challenge. |
The student responds to all reflection prompts, though some responses lack detail and thoughtful reflection.
The student provides complete and substantiated responses to all reflection prompts.