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Paper #1 Rubric
Paper #1 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Is the thesis easy to locate (e.g. last sentence of first paragraph), clear, unified, debatable, and sufficiently narrow? Does the thesis make clear what is at stake (i.e. why the essay matters, why readers should care), or does it leave you asking: “so what”?
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Does the essay’s opening invite the reader's interest (e.g. with a descriptive title and opening quotation, question, or startling fact)? Does the introduction identify the source(s) to be discussed, incl. author, title (in quotes or italics, as appropriate), date? Does the introduction provide a roadmap (i.e. preview of major topics) of how the thesis will be developed? Does each paragraph have a topic sentence that is a mini-thesis (i.e. sub-argument that advances the main argument)? Is the order of presentation logical and easy to follow? Are transitions between paragraphs smooth? Are there parts of the essay that are confusing or that do not seem to fit? Does the conclusion tie up loose ends, convince you of the essay's significance, and/or suggest further implications of the argument?
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Does the paper make effective use of assigned readings, lectures, discussions (avoiding inappropriate use of outside sources)? Does the evidence presented persuade you of the thesis? Are choices of when to quote rather than summarize appropriate? Are any of the quotations longer than necessary? Is there a good balance between general and specific information? Does the paper raise and adequately address any conflicting evidence? Is evidence documented properly (e.g. properly formatted endnotes or parentheticals plus reference list)?
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Is textual evidence accompanied by thorough explanations of what the evidence means and why it is significant? Is the essay’s reasoning persuasive? Does the essay provide fresh insight into course themes?
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Does the writing style contribute to the essay’s overall effectiveness? Does the essay use active rather than passive voice and assign agency (i.e. make clear who did what)? Is the tone appropriately formal (e.g. avoiding contractions, colloquial expressions, use of second person or first person)? Are there any awkward expressions or mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.? Are there certain kinds of mistakes that occur frequently? Does the format conform to course guidelines (e.g. length, 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced, 1” margins, pages numbered)?
threshold: pts
10 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 50 out of 50