Discussion #1: Capote's Craft
- Due Jan 27, 2015 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a discussion post
For our first discussion, find a passage (i.e., anywhere from a 2 or 3 sentences to a full page or more) in which the writing appeals to you because of its rhythm, its flow, its fluidity, etc. Reproduce the passage in its entirety using the MLA block quote method (click here Links to an external site. for more info on long quotations), then spend 2 or 3 paragraphs analyzing the passage as we have done together in class discussions: What is the purpose of the passage? How is Capote using language, description, imagery, characterization, metaphor (e.g., the "gospel-haunted strip"), etc. to accomplish this purpose? What makes the passage "work," in other words?
Please post your response before 11:30pm EST on Monday, 1/26. For more info on grading and evaluation of Discussions, please see the "Guidelines for Discussions" handout in the Files tab.