Discussion #2: First Page
- Due Feb 2, 2015 by 11:30pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available until Feb 2, 2015 at 11:55pm
The instructions for this Discussion are simple: you're going to invent, draft, and revise the first page of WD#1 (approx. 300 words). Please upload your first page as an attachment (MS Word docs only), include all the pertinent information in your heading, and follow the formatting guidelines as spelled out in the syllabus. To join the Discussion, simply click "Reply" below and look for the paperclip icon (the "Attach" button).
You can also use the white space to give us "notes": is there anything in particular you would like for us to look for in your first page? What specific questions or observations do you have about your writing that you would like to foreground for us? You don't have to do this, but I would recommend it.
Have fun!