Workshop #1
- Due Feb 9, 2015 by 11:30pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a discussion post
Writers: Those of you in Group A (i.e., Botsford, Boyd, Copp, Crippen, Deaton, Eramo, and Hughes) will post your latest draft of WD#1 to this space before 11:30pm EST on Friday, 2/06. (Yes, this is in addition to the draft you post to WD#1 in the Assignments tab.)
Reviewers: Those of you in Group B (i.e., Jeffers, McKee, Piel, Renken, Reynard, Younger, and Zirkle) will have until 11:30pm EST on Monday, 2/09 to post your feedback on each Group A member's workshop draft (all 7 of them). Next time, Group B will have a chance to sit back and relax while Group A does the reviewing.
Feedback should be substantive and constructive. Using the tools in the Review tab of MS Word (i.e., the comments and track changes functions, primarily), be sure to read through each draft at least two times and leave as many comments as you think necessary. Remember that your first read-through should be just to get a sense of what the writer is up to. The second read-through will be when you add your comments, feedback, and analysis. In addition to the comments you make on the drafts themselves, you should also leave an "overall comment" in the space provided in the Discussion.
Everyone in both Group A and Group B should bring at least one hard copy of each Group A members' draft to our Workshop next week. Those without marked-up hard copies will be docked points!