Course Syllabus

B321 Clinical Writing (1 hr)

Spring 2015

Thursdays 6-8:40 pm for 6 weeks


Dr. Joan Davis

Cell: 812-340-5656.

Alternative email: which is checked multiple times daily.


Text:  Winger, D.E. (2009).The Clinical Documentation Sourcebook, 4th Edition.  Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey


Course Description:  This course will prepare students for competent and accurate clinical documentation in the behavioral health professions.  The course will provide students with opportunities to learn and practice clinical writing including gathering an intake history, completing and composing an intake evaluation, developing a treatment plan, writing a single session note, developing a 90 day treatment plan review, and composing a completed case study summary.  Additionally, standard clinical abbreviations, documentation required by Medicaid/Medicare and insurance companies will be covered.  All topics covered in the course are related to the expectations for case managers, behavioral health technicians, recovery coaches, and therapists working in the community.  By successfully completing the course, students will be prepared to meet the documentation needs expected by current human service employers. Students should bring their laptops or writing devices to class.

Objectives:  By the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

-        Utilize documentation associated with behavioral health standards

-        Demonstrate effective methods for acquiring and documenting a psychosocial assessment

-        Model effective and professional communication of clinical information

-        Write an appropriate case study summary

Student Expectations:  Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes, as work is often started and sometimes completed during class time.  Therefore, BRING YOUR LAPTOP or electronic writing device to class. If students must be absent for more than one consecutive class period, students need to contact the instructor to discuss the absence and any missed work.  Students must complete any missed assignments prior to the next scheduled assignment.  Students are expected to read assigned materials and participate in class discussions and activities with an open mind and respect for others.

Students are expected to take responsibility for actively shaping their learning. This courses balances between instructor leadership and student initiative. This includes active participation, establishing criteria for judging your own progress, being aware of time constraints.


97-100%                         A+

94-96%                            A

91-95%                            A-

88-90%                            B+

84-87%                            B

81-83%                            B-

78-80%                            C+

74-77%                            C

71-73%                            C-

68-70%                            D+

64-67                                D

61-63%                            D-

60% and below            F



Honesty policy:  All assignments submitted by students are assumed to be the students’ own work.  ANY suspicion of cheating will lead to students being asked to redo the assignment in a different format as specified by the instructor.  If students are found guilty of cheating, they risk the grade of F for the course and expulsion from the university.

Accommodations:  Students needing accommodations because of a disabilty will need to register with Adaptive Educational Services (AES) and complete the appropriate forms issued by AES before accommodations will be given.  The AES office is located in the Learning Center (LC 1200).  You can also reach the office by calling 812-314-8539.  Visit services/ for more information.

In addition, please note below the reaffirmation of the IUPUI EEO Policy.  Accordingly, “no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be either excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities” of IUPUC.  Please be aware “faculty and staff are prohibited from discriminating or retaliating against any individual who has opposed any act or practice that the individual believes is discriminatory or because the individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an OCR or EEOC investigation”.  Moreover university faculty and staff shall not coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any individual in the exercise of enjoyment of the protections or rights granted by section 504 or Title II.  We thank you in advance for your compliance in this endeavor. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Officer of Equal Opportunity at 274-2306 or by email at or Adaptive Educational Services at 274-3241 or by email at


If you have emergency medical information to share with me, need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated or require special seating in the class, please see me after the first class or email me as soon as possible.

Administrative withdrawal may be done by the instructor if the student misses the first third of the class.  Since this course is only six weeks long, it is imperative to attend class.

Contact: Students should contact me via email ( or telephone (812-340-5656). Again, please use my IUPUC email address as I check that daily during the course.  We will be utilizing Canvas for general class announcements, messages, and assignments.

If office hours are needed, contact the instructor and we will arrange a time to meet. 

The instructor of this course reserves the right to change the sequence of materials, dates or any other information in the course syllabus.   It may be amended at any time to fit the need of the class.



Joan Blackwood Davis, PsyD HSPP LCAC


Course Summary:

Date Details Due