Course Syllabus

LAB  Registration:   Subscribe for the Pearson Lab site on March 9, 2015 (First day of Spring Semester-Second 8 week classes)


Spring 2015 ONLINE-2nd 8 weeks H363 Personal Health Section 11842

+++Course developed using the Quality Matters Rubric.  ADA compliant.

March 9-May 4, 2015




Instructor: Johannah Casey-Doecke, Ph.D., Online Course Design Specialist
Indiana University School of Kinesiology (IUPUI-PETM)
NAT 149B
901 West New York Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5193

NIFS 114A (Temporary address during NAT renovation- May 11 to November 1, 2015)

250 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, IN 46202

Office Hours:  10:00-12:00 Mondays by appointment only

                        Online by request.

e-Mail:  CANVAS Messages Only 

  • All e-mail sent to my university and private e-mail accounts will be deleted. Class mail must be kept within the CANVAS course site.    
  • Course e-mail and chat rooms will not be answered on weekends and holidays.
  • Due to the very large enrollment numbers this semester, chat rooms have been provided on the module page to enhance communication with the instructor. Responses will be directed to the entire class and avoid information duplication whenever possible.
  • Private communication should be sent using the INBOX feature. Please limit the number of private e-mails to emergency communications. (Extension requests, drops, grade changes, etc.)
  • Assignments will be graded within 72 hours of the due date during the regular business week. All manually graded assignments will be graded by Dr. Doecke.  No grading TA's have been assigned to this course.

Course Description:

HPER–H 363 Personal Health (3 cr.)Acquaints prospective teachers with basic personal health information and provides motivation for intelligent self-direction of health behavior with emphasis on responsibilities as citizens and as teachers. Study of physiological and psychological bases for health, drugs and other critical issues, and family health. This course is not recommended for students who have already taken H263 Personal Health.

The course consists of 6 Modules with related Chapter Quizzes and Discussion Chat Rooms/No Final Exam

Required: e-Text and Lab Fee

Go to the following web address to sign up for your lab.  An e-text is included with your membership.

Lab Address:

Course Name:  Spring 2015 ONLINE-2nd 8 weeks H363 Personal Health Section 11842

Course Code:MNTDOECKE98399

Text Access to Health, 13e Donatelle


Student Learning Outcomes (Course Objectives)

1. Students will learn to recognize and protect themselves from diseases and conditions affecting mind, body and spirit.

2. Students will practice technical writing skills including: case study analysis, video reviews, self-assessments, related research and suggestions for further study.

3. Students will participate in open chat room discussions concerning current events related to the topics in each module.

4. Students will retain knowledge as demonstrated on chapter quizzes.


Principles of Undergraduate Learning as applied to this course. 

The course conforms to the mission and guidelines of the Indiana University School of Kinesiology, (Principles of Undergraduate Learning) and the Indiana State Board of Education guidelines for teacher preparation. To fulfill these requirements the student will:

1. Develop an awareness of the concepts that underlie health and wellness by reading, writing, communicating, listening, analyzing and experiencing Health Information Technology.( Core Skills)

2. Apply the principle factors involved in developing optimal well being. (Integration andApplication of Knowledge)

3. Develop an awareness of the multifaceted nature of Health as you explore the integration and application of each Health topic.(Critical Thinking)

4. Gain an appreciation for mental and emotional health issues that affect many school age children and the people who live in their community. (Society and Culture)

5. Understand the impact of the environment on the health and well being of mankind.(Intellectual Breadth, Depth, and Analysis)***

The Principles of Undergraduate Learning will be assessed from the average submission results from each module.



Six Module OUTLINE for  H363 Personal Health - Distance Learning

Chapter Reading for each module.



March 9, 2015 First Day of Class Orientation and Welcome Assignment  

Module 1


Chapter 1 Assessing Your Health

Chapter 2 Promoting and Preserving Your Psychological Health

Chapter 2 A Focus on Cultivating Your Spiritual Health


Chapter 3 A Focus on Improving Your Sleep

Chapter 4 Building Healthy Relationships and Communicating Effectively

Module 2


Chapter 5 Understanding Your Sexuality

Chapter 6 Considering Your reproductive Choices


Chapter 7 Eating for a Healthier You

Module 3


Chapter 8 Reaching and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Chapter 8A Focus on Enhancing Your Body Image

Chapter 9 Improving Your Physical Fitness


Chapter 10 Recognizing and Avoiding Addiction

Module 4


Chapter 11 Drinking Alcohol Responsibly

Chapter 12 Ending Tobacco Use

Chapter 13 Avoiding Drug Misuse and Abuse

Module 5

Chapter 14 Protecting Against Infectious Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Chapter 14 A Focus on Understanding Your Health Inheritance

Module 5


Chapter 15 Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Chapter 15A Focus on Minimizing Your Risk for Diabetes

Chapter 16 Reducing Your Cancer Risk

Chapter 17 Reducing Risks and Coping with Chronic Conditions

Chapter 18 Choosing Conventional and Complementary Health Care

Module 6


Chapter 19 Preventing Violence and Abuse

Chapter 19A Focus on Reducing Your Risk of Unintentional Injury

Chapter 20 Preserving and Protecting Your Environment

Chapter 21 Preparing for Aging, Death, and Dying



Due Dates and times for quizzes and written work   Time: NOON (Lunch time) 

Spring Break


Complete five of the following six modules in order.  Submit a blank written assignment with the words

"This is my skipped written lab, I have completed the Pearson Lab for this module."  The skipped written work notice is due on the module's due date and time.  You MUST complete the first module by March 24, and then continue to work in sequence. Modules 1,2,3,4,5, and 6.  The attendance report for the Office of the Registrar is based on this module.   The skipped written lab may not be used for extra credit.



Module 1  Tuesday, March 24   Required Module

Module 2  Tuesday, March 31

Module 3  Tuesday, April 7

Module 4  Tuesday,  April 14 

Module 5  Tuesday, April 21

Module 6   Tuesday, April 28

Extension submissions Thursday April 30-NOON

Instructor/Course Evaluation  May 1, 2015

Grades submitted to Registrar May 15, 2015


Grading Percentage Scale

A+ 98-100% Outstanding work    Best of Class Group -High Mastery

A 93- 97%  Very Good-Complete Mastery

A- 90-92% 

B+ 87- 89% Good Mastery

B 83-86%  Above Average Mastery

B- 81-82%

C+ 78-80%

C 74-77% Average Mastery

C- 71-73%  Below Average Mastery

D+ 68-70% Poor Mastery

D 64-67% Very Poor Mastery

D- 60-63%  Little to No Mastery

F 0-59%  No Mastery  Failing

24-48 Late Submission Rule:

0-24 hours Late -10
24+-48 hours Late -20
48+ hours Late without approved extension Grade 0

ALL requests for extensions must be received before the published due date and time (NOON)

No extension will be granted for Module 6.

ALL “EXTENSION GRANTED” MODULES ARE DUE 48 hours after the published due date and time.






Academic Integrity is maintained through the use of MY HEALTH LAB security controls and the use of TURNITIN to check for plagiarism.  Each student is expected to complete labs, quizzes and written assignments alone; unless the assignment is specified as a group project.  Failure to observe this rule will result in the grade of zero for the assignment and a warning.  Each student may receive one warning before the final course grade is recorded as an F for a second violation. 

Grading Percentages:



Special Needs Students

Special Needs Students-


Please complete the following requirements to enhance your learning experience.

1. Register with the IUPUI Special Services office and identify the learning services you will need to complete this course.  Do you need assistance reading the text, translating video information, enhancing the audio volume, taking quizzes, submitting documents and communicating with your instructor?

Registration requirements:

Services provided:

Services for qualifying students, faculty, and staff

  • Common adaptive applications (Kurzweil 3000, JAWS, and ZoomText) available on all IUB and IUPUI Windows workstations in the Student Technology Centers
  • Software and hardware loaner program (per semester basis, free of charge)
    • Software to assist those with learning disabilities, motor impairment, hearing impairment, and vision impairment
    • Alternative input devices to assist those with motor and physical issues affecting their ability to interact with a workstation, take notes, etc.
    • CCTVs and other magnification equipment to assist those with vision impairment
  • Alternative media creation (free of charge)
  • Accessible eTexts, large print, and more, for support of those for whom print is inaccessible or difficult
  • Tactile graphics of math, diagrams, and graphs for those who cannot see images in their original format
  • Podcast transcriptions (and for videos when captioning is not possible) for the hearing impaired
  • Video captions for the hearing impaired
  • Audio description of videos for the visually impaired



2. Send a Message to your instructor identifying the assistance that you will receive from the Office of Special Student Services.

All quizzes for this course are set up without a time limit. However, you are required to meet due dates for each module component.

For additional adaptive learning print materials designed for My Health Lab, use the following web address.



System Requirements

Operating systems



Windows 8.1

Internet Explorer 10 (Desktop or Metro), 11


Windows 8

Firefox 25
Chrome 31
Internet Explorer 10 (Desktop or Metro), 11


Windows 7

Firefox 25
Chrome 31
Internet Explorer 9, 10 Desktop, 11

Mac OS

OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

Firefox 25
Chrome 31
Safari 5.0 (OS X 10.6, 10.7), 6.0 (OS X 10.8)


OS X 10.7 Lion

Firefox 25
Chrome 31
Safari 5.0 (OS X 10.6, 10.7), 6.0 (OS X 10.8)


OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

Firefox 25
Chrome 31
Safari 5.0 (OS X 10.6, 10.7), 6.0 (OS X 10.8)

Important: Internet Explorer 8 is no longer fully supported, including for some newer Mastering assignment content. For an optimal experience, please choose a supported browser.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due