Adobe Connect Instructions


Instructions for Installing the Adobe Connect Add-in

By default, you join an Adobe Connect online meeting room using the Flash Player plug-in built into your web browser. If you will be regularly joining Adobe Connect session, install the Adobe Connect Add-in. The add-in is a version of Flash Player optimized for Adobe Connect meetings that lets you share your screen, upload files to meetings, make offline recordings, and experience enhanced Voice over IU (VoIP).

Once installed, Adobe Connect will use it automatically whenever you join a Connect session from that computer.


To get the Adobe Connect Add-in, visit the Adobe Connect Test Meeting Connection  Links to an external A meeting connection diagnostic will run automatically and check whether your computer has the latest Adobe Connect Add-in installed. If the add-in is not installed, the “Test Results” box will display an option for installing it.

  1. Click Install add-in, and then follow the on-screen prompts to download and install the add-in.

  2. If you run into difficulties, please reference the University Information Technology Services Knowledge Base.  Links to an external site.