May 13, 2015 at 12am - May 20, 2015 at 11:59pm
This assignment was locked May 20, 2015 at 11:59pm.
What do you mean by a How to Speech?
Read the Instructions for this speech on pages 155-156 of your textbook. Instructions for this speech will also be discussed in class before the speeches are scheduled to start.
This will be a graded speech. It will be the first of two Informative Speeches presented in class.
Can't change a rubric once you've started using it.
EXEMPLARY: Reflects careful consideration of purpose, audience and time frame; Reflects careful consideration of significance, appropriateness and scope
SATISFACTORY: Appropriately narrowed/developed for audience, purpose and time frame; Demonstrates consideration of significance, appropriateness and scope
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Somewhat narrow or broad for audience, purpose and/or time frame; Needs more consideration of significance, appropriateness, or scope
EXEMPLARY: In addition to satisfactory, thorough development of content, which includes: Well-written main points; Main points well-supported with varied and compelling examples, stories, stats, testimony and other support relevant to speech type; Supporting ideas that relate in exceptional way to thesis
SATISFACTORY: Speech identifies distinct main points appropriate for audience and purpose; Connects content development to speech chosen; Relies on adequate evidence in support of main points.
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Speech: Main points present, unbalanced, overlap or in other ways are indistinct; Includes some supporting material, but overall inadequate or inconsistent support relevant to purpose
EXEMPLARY: Introduction includes: Motivating, attention-getter, creates desire to listen; Highly important topic; Unique, creative personal credibility statement; Unique, creative and powerful thesis; Introduction well-developed, satisfying for audience, topic and purpose
SATISFACTORY: Introduction includes: Attention-getting device connecting topic and audience; Statement on importance of topic for audience; Speaker credibility; Concise thesis
SATISFACTORY: The speech: Uses organization appropriate for assignment/purpose; Relies on reasonably clear and logical progression within/between ideas; Leaves audience with clear message; Is easy to follow, ideas adequately connected
DEFICIENT: The speech: Fails to provide clear and logical progression within/among ideas; Fails to leave audience with a clear message; Lacks transitions or connections
This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Conclusion: Is inconsistently tied to some information discussed; May lack reference to thesis, review of main points or thought-provoking final statement
EXEMPLARY: Language choices (are) Exceptionally clear, inclusive, vivid and creative; Enhance audience comprehension, enthusiasm for thesis; Varied in sentence structure, word choice; Strong in standards of grammar, usage
DEFICIENT: Speech relies on: Unclear or inappropriate language; Undefined jargon; Language that is not inclusive; Language lacks attention to audience and/or purpose
This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.
SATISFACTORY: Speaker demonstrates acceptable posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and dress; Physical delivery generally supports message in ways that neither distract from the speaker’s credibility nor interfere with the message
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: The speaker, at times, rely on inconsistent delivery choices that include: Awkward posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and/or dress; Posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and/or dress that detract from speaker credibility or distract audience from message