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A2. - Introduction Speech - The Speech Itself (1)
A2. - Introduction Speech - The Speech Itself (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
INVENTION - Content Development; Support of Thesis
threshold: pts
2 pts
DEFICIENT - Speech – Unclear main points; Lacks supporting details
0 pts
EXEMPLARY - In addition to satisfactory, thorough development of content, which includes: Well-written main points; Main points well-supported with compelling examples, stories
0 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT - Speech – Main points present, but unbalanced, overlap, or in other ways, are indistinct
0 pts
SATISFACTORY - Speech – Identifies distinct main points appropriate for audience and purpose; Connect content development to speech chosen
2 pts
ARRANGEMENT - Introduction
threshold: pts
3 pts
DEFICIENT: Introduction missing. Stated “my topic is” or something similar, just to start talking.
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: Introduction includes: Motivating attention-getter, creates desire to listen; Highly important topic; Unique, creative personal credibility statement; Unique, creative and powerful thesis; Introduction well-developed, satisfying for audience, topic and purpose.
1 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Introduces topic is some way, but introduction may lack: Attention-getter; Clear thesis; Purpose; Audience connection and/or development
0 pts
SATISFACTORY: Introduction includes: Attention-getting device, connecting topic to audience; Statement on importance of topic for audience; Speaker credibility; Concise thesis
3 pts
ARRANGEMENT - Organizational Pattern
threshold: pts
3 pts
DEFICIENT: The speech: Fails to provide clear and logical progression within/among ideas. Fails to leave audience with a clear message. Lacks transitions or connections.
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: The speech: Relies on exceptionally clear, logical progression within/between ideas. Organization compelling, moves audience through speech with ease.
1 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: The speech relies on: An organizational pattern that is present, but unclear. Awkward transitions.
0 pts
SATISFACTORY: The speech: Relies on reasonably clear and logical progression within/between ideas. Body reflects adequate clarity, organization. Is easy to follow; ideas adequately covered.
3 pts
ARRANGEMENT - Conclusion
threshold: pts
3 pts
DEFICIENT: Conclusion is abrupt. Speech just stops rather than summarizes or concludes.
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: In addition to Satisfactory, conclusion is thought provoking and satisfying.
1 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Conclusion is inconsistently tied to some information discussed. May lack reference to thesis, review of main points, or thought-provoking final statement.
0 pts
SATISFACTORY: Conclusion is logically tied to information. Summarizes main points effectively. Leaves audience with an adequate final statement.
3 pts
STYLE - Language
threshold: pts
3 pts
DEFICIENT: Speech relies on: Unclear or inappropriate language. Undefined jargon. Language that is not inclusive. Language lacks attention to audience and/or purpose.
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: Language choice: Exceptionally clear; Inclusive, vivid and creative; Enhance audience comprehension, enthusiasm for thesis; Strong in standards of grammar, usage.
1 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Speech relies on inconsistent language choices that may, at times, be unclear for audience or purpose.
0 pts
SATISFACTORY: Speech relies on language that is reasonably clear, vivid, appropriate.
3 pts
DELIVERY - Physical Delivery
threshold: pts
2 pts
DEFICIENT: Reading speech or insufficient eye contact or poise.
1 pts
EXEMPLARY: Speaker demonstrates polished techniques of physical delivery. Physical delivery consistently supports verbal messages and enhances speaker credibility. Physical delivery adds interest. Speaker is comfortable.
0 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: The speaker may, at times, rely on inconsistent delivery choices that include: Awkward posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and/or dress. Posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and/or dress that detract from speaker credibility or distract audience from message.
0 pts
SATISFACTORY: Speaker demonstrates acceptable posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and dress. Physical delivery generally supports message in ways that neither distract from the speaker’s credibility nor interfere with the message.
2 pts
DELIVERY - Vocal Delivery
threshold: pts
2 pts
DEFICIENT: Inadequate volume and/or tone. Verbal fillers distracting.
0 pts
EXEMPLARY: Strong vocal variety. Effective volume. Invites positive connection with audience. Creates attention, interest throughout.
0 pts
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Ineffective or awkward use of vocal variety and volume.
0 pts
SATISFACTORY: Adequate use of vocal variety. Strong volume. Few vocal fillers.
2 pts
threshold: pts
2 pts
Meets the stated time requirements.
0 pts
Fails to meet the stated time requirements.
2 pts
Total Points: 20 out of 20