Course Syllabus
Programming in R for policy simulations
- Intro to R
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- Major elements of Rstudio; how to create data; using the sequence function; how to create your own function.
- Functions in R
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- Illustrates the usefulness of writing functions for policy simulations, where a parameters are defined as inputs are used in a series of steps to produce output.
- Saving Multiple Results in Functions in R
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- Illustrates how to write a function that remembers more than one result using the "cbind" command. Uses market equilibrium price and quantity from supply and demand functions as an example.
Foundations of Economics
- Introduction to Economics (for V517)
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- Definition of economics, answering the questions of society, microeconomics, macroeconomics
- Economics and the Scientific Method Links to an external site.
- Incentives and Economics Links to an external site.
- Economics in Cultural Context Links to an external site.
- Behavior and Choice Links to an external site.
- Economics and Equity Links to an external site.
Foundational Tools in Economics
- Opportunity Costs Links to an external site.
- Comparative Advantage Links to an external site.
- Market Exchange Links to an external site.
- Marginal Analysis and Cost Benefit Analysis Links to an external site.
- Property Rights Links to an external site.
Financial Investment
- Discounting Theory
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- What it is and why we do it, connection between theory and markets
- Financial Formulas
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- Future Value of a Present Amount, Present Value of a Future Amount, Annuity Value of a Present Amount, Present value of Annuity, Present Value of Growing Annuity
- Inflation
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- Purchasing power of money, base year conversions, methods for inflation adjustment in net present value analysis
- Alternative Investment Criteria
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- Net present value, internal rate of return, benefit cost ratio, simple payback period, comparing projects with different lifecycles, capital costs, and irreversible investments ("wait and see NPV")
Supply and Demand
- Demand Curves
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- Law of demand; Slope of demand; meaning of the height of the demand curve
- Demand Shifters
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- Change in price versus change in demand; factors that shift the demand curve
- Market Demand
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- Horizontal summation from individual to market; equal marginal benefit at each price
- Consumer Surplus
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- Calculating CS, locating CS on demand curve, consumer expenditure
- Demand Curve Math
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- Demand function with income component, finding key points along demand curve, consumer surplus, consumer expenditure
- Supply Theory
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- Law of supply; meaning of the height of the supply curve,
- market supply; Horizontal summation from individual to market; equal marginal cost
- Supply Shifters
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- Change in price versus change in supply; factors that shift the supply curve
- Supply Curve Math
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- Supply function, finding key points along supply curve, producer surplus, producer revenue
- Producer Surplus
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- Calculating PS, locating PS on supply curve, producer revenue
- Interpreting Supply and Demand
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- Comprehensive (44:43) review of interpretations of curve heights and areas under the curve.
- Determination of Market Equilibrium
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- Demonstrates the market clearing price is where quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied.
- Shifts in Supply and Demand
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- Demonstrates impacts of different market shocks on equilibrium price and quantity.
- Properties of Market Equilibrium
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- Maximizes the total area of consumer & producer surplus; equal marginal benefit and equal marginal cost
- Rationing in Markets to Maximize Total Benefits
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- Demonstrates rationing to maximize total benefits among individual consumers
- Rationing in Markets to Minimize Total Costs
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- Demonstrate rationing minimize total costs among the individual producers.
- Supply and Demand Math
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- Demonstrates how to solve for the market price and quantity from supply & demand equations
- Role of Prices and Caveats Links to an external site.
Welfare Analysis & Markets (Cost Benefit Analysis)
- Interpreting Market Curves for Benefits and Costs
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- Interpretations of Demand Curves (marginal benefit, total benefit, willingness to pay)
- Interpretations of Supply Curves (marginal cost, total costs, willingness to accept)
- Cost Benefit Analysis of Market Impacts (With Kaldor Hicks Tableaus) Links to an external site.
- Calculating Areas Under the Curve
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- Geometry and Calculus
- 2020 Review Session (75 minutes)
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- We spent a whole session in 2020 just practicing these interpretations and the wording (e.g. marginal vs. total)
Applications in Supply & Demand
- Market Elasticity
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- Elastic vs. inelastic supply and demand curves.
- Input and Output Markets
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- Example: How change input market might effect output market
- Example: How change in output market might effect input market
- Taxation: Price Changes and Adjustments
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- Overview how prices change (price received by producers, paid by consumers, changes in surplus)
- Graph components
- Provides summary of how supply and demand equations adjust to introduction of tax/subsidy.
- Other tax responses: Alchian-Allen Theorem
- Tax Incidence
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- Graphical illustration of tax equivalence
- Tax Deadweight Loss
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- Brief overview of the intuition. Graphical demonstration in “price changes in adjustments”.
- Tax Math
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- Two examples of calculating social surplus changes.
- The two examples also demonstrate tax equivalence.
- Also includes summary of how supply and demand equations adjust to introduction of tax/subsidy.
- Subsidy
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- Briefly summarizes “negative tax” adjustments. Shows changes in prices, social surplus, and deadweight loss.
- Price Controls
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- Price Ceilings and Price Floors: Social Surplus Calculations
- Markets as Data Processing Systems
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- How markets use knowledge
- Demand Displacement and Supply Expansion
- Social Cost of Government Spending
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- Social Surplus lost with government purchases
Institutional Failures and Difficult Cases for Markets
- Introduction to Institutional Failures Links to an external site.
- Coase Theorem
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- Explains Coase Theorem and gives an example of how externalities are property right problems and the irrelevance of initial property rights assignment when bargaining costs are zero
- Externalities
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- Demonstrates 4 cases where externalities separate private and social optimal outcomes; distinguishes between technological and pecuniary externalities.
- Externality Math
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- Shows a simple example of how you might introduce externalities in finding the socially optimal level of output.
- Information Problems
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- Information asymmetry concepts (Adverse Selection, Moral Hazard, Principal-Agent Problems)
- Market Failure Policies – Externalities
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- Correcting externalities (3 general approaches)
- Pigouvian Approach and Considerations
- Coasian approaches
- Regulatory approaches
- Market Failure Treatment from the Private Sector
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- Examples of how signaling can be used to solve information problems
- Public Goods
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- Defines public goods (non-rivalry and non-excludability)
- Demonstrates vertical summation for social benefits.
- Tragedy of the Commons
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- Defines
- Discusses example cases
Consumer Choice
- Demand Functions
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- Gives linear demand function example; Interpretations of function.
- Elasticities of Demand
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- Interpretation and calculation of: price elasticity of demand; income elasticity; cross-price elasticities; examples are done for word problems, linear demand equations; log-log demand equations.
- Drawing elasticities from Empirical Studies.
- Factors Affecting Elasticity
- Production Technology
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- Defining production functions, short-run vs long-run, intro to the idea of optimal input use, law of diminishing returns (table and graph), economic returns to scale
- Isoquants
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- Derivation, marginal rate of technical substitution, productivity changes (dynamics), slope of isoquant, demonstration of diminishing marginal returns.
- Isocost Curves
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- Plots isocost curve, slope of isocost curve, shifts/rotations in isocost analysis.
- Input Optimization
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- Bringing together isoquants with isocost; conditions for optimization; “optimization as an entrepreneur would see it”; marginal revenue product.
- Pigouvian Dirty Input Tax
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- Demonstrates that an output tax on a good which uses a “dirty” factor of production is less efficient than a tax on the dirty factor of production itself.
- Long Run vs Short Run Optimization
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- Uses optimal input spreadsheet to demonstrate that shocks to output demand have higher costs in short-run optimization than under long-run optimization.
- Cost Types
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- Definitions of accounting cost, economic cost, fixed cost, variable cost, sunk cost, marginal cost, and average costs (variable, fixed, total).
- Costs Tabular Demo
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- Uses a table to demonstrate the cost types
- Costs Graphical Demo
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- Uses graphs to demonstrate cost types
- Economies of scale
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- Economies versus diseconomies of scale; Graphical demonstration; describes possible sources;
Competitive Price Takers
- Types of Firms
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- Sole proprietorship; partnership; corporation; purpose of firms; transaction costs
- Perfect Competition
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- Assumptions; Occurrence; Market vs Firm; Marginal Analysis; Profit function; long run equilibrium
- Market Dynamics
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- Demonstrates via video; shows positive market demand shock and the dynamics of a perfectly competitive market that earns short run profits but returns to a long run equilibrium of zero profits.
- Demonstrates via video a positive supply shock arising from a new cost saving technology.
- Shut Down Rule
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- Discussion of when firms stay-open versus shut-down; Math demo; graphical demo
Competitive Price Searchers
- Monopolistic Competition: Intro
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- Assumptions; monopoly power definition; Compare firms in monopolistic competition versus one in perfect competition.
- Monopolistic Competition: Marginal Revenue
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- Demonstrates marginal revenue curve as downward sloping at a faster rate than demand, illustrates using a table.
- Monopolistic Competition: Graphical Analysis
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- Shows monopoly mark-up of price over marginal cost, choosing output at MR=MC, shows how price versus average cost determines profit. Also uses a table to show profit maximization.
- Monopolistic Competition: Market Dynamics
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- Short-run versus long-run firm entry and exit.
- Price Discrimination
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- Explains potential for social benefits of price discrimination and identifies common examples of strategies (1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree, 2-part-tariff, bundling)
- Price Elasticity Applications
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- Using price elasticity to predict demand, the "pure selling problem", and the optimal mark-up rule.
Monopoly and Strategic Competition
- Monopoly Introduction
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- What is monopoly?
- Monopoly Price Setting
- How monopolies set prices; social welfare implications
- Monopoly Application – Cost Saving Tech
- Applied marginal analysis reasoning; sets up discussion of regulatory trade-offs
- Natural Monopoly and Regulation
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- Demo natural monopoly case; illustrate price regulation trade-offs; Discusses trade-offs and other regulatory issues.
- Ramsey Pricing
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- Demonstrate Ramsey pricing approaches to pricing output; Provides link toExcel Demo Links to an external site..
- Antitrust law
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- Intro to idea; measuring market competition (HHI, Lerner Index); Criticisms of antitrust law
- Game Theory Introduction
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- Intro; Notation; Types of Games
- Game Theory – Simultaneous Games
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- Demonstrates how to solve normal form games
- Game Theory – Applied Simultaneous
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- Prisoner’s Dilemma; Advertiser’s Dilemma
- Game Theory – Sequential Games
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- Demonstrates how to solve extensive form games
- Game Theory – Applied Sequential
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- The “Low Price” Guarantee
Finance Formulas
- Discounting [pdf]
- Why discount? How does it affect valuation?
- Inflation [pdf]
- Theory; Methods for adjusting cash flows
- Annual Value of Present Amount[pdf]
- Future Value of Present Amount[pdf]
- Present Value of Annuity[pdf
- Present Value of Future Amount
- Perpetuities
- Presenting Value of Growing Annuity[pdf]
- Comparing Projects of Different Lengths[pdf]
- Project Analysis Example 1[pdf]
- Project Analysis Example 2[pdf]
Alternative Investment Criteria & Considerations
- Net Present Value [pdf]
- Internal Rate of Return [pdf]
- Benefit Cost Ratio[pdf]
- Simple Payback Period[pdf]
- Irreversible Investments[pdf]
- “wait and see NPV”
- Lifecycle Analysis[pdf]
- Comparing projects of different lengths
- Capital Costs[pdf]
- Market Shifts
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- Demonstrates how equilibrium price/quantity change with shifts in supply/demand.
Course Summary:
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