- Due Jun 24, 2015 by 8am
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
- Available May 24, 2015 at 12am - Jun 24, 2015 at 1pm
Final Project Instructions
Instructions Links to an external site.: There are (2) parts to this assignment. Make sure you review both parts of the assignment and submit your completed work to the proper assignment dropbox for grading.
Assignment Part One: (100 POINTS)
- Write a 3-5 page paper about a management or business problem. Prepare a research paper that responds to the following:
- Evaluate the usefulness of communication and decision making for an organization with which you are familiar. Provide a detailed analysis that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
- Compare and contrast with best practices on the effectiveness of implementation of a solution for the management problem you identify. Provide a detailed analysis that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
- Utilize a minimum of (5) quality resources. These must include books, journals or business sources.
- Use proper spelling, grammar, and APA/MLA formatting for your analysis paper. This should include a cover page, running head, abstract, and correct font type and size.
- When you have completed your assignment, use this assignment dropbox for submission.
Assignment Part Two: (100 POINTS)
Communication skills are of paramount importance in defining your success as a manager. Developing good communication skills, in general, and good public speaking ability and presentation skills, in particular, are essential for you to play the three core roles of a manager well. Putting your communication skills to good use requires sound judgment in deciding when to say what to whom for what cause. In addition, thorough planning and preparation is essential in delivering an effective speech and presentation. It requires you to work one speech and presentation at a time to perfect your speaking and presentation skills. This assignment will introduce you to the foundations of communication and decision making as well as the process of planning and preparing an effective speech and presentation, and help you communicate effectively.
Upon completion of this assignment you should be able to:
- Design an audio-visual teaching presentation to supplement your final written paper.
- Effectively deliver an online recorded teaching presentation using your paper and research as your outline.
- This project will co-ordinate with the final paper.
- It should be 7-10 minutes in length and will be submitted to the FINAL PROJECT AUDIO/VISUAL assignment drop box.
- Website: Designing Effective “PowerPoint Presentations:
- Website: Effective Presentations in Engineering and Science: Guidelines and Video Examples - Structure:
- Website: Effective Presentations in Engineering and Science: Guidelines and Video Examples - Speech:
- Website: Effective Presentations in Engineering and Science: Guidelines and Video Examples - Delivery:
- Website: Effective Presentations in Engineering and Science: Guidelines and Video Examples - Visual Aids:
- Video: PowerPoint 2010 Tutorial - Record Narration for a Slide Show
Holistic Written Rubric
90-100 points
An essay at this level goes above and beyond the prompt. The writing is insightful and skillfully crafted. The writing suggests the writer has progressed through activities such as revising and editing. This essay exhibits a level of writing expected by professionals in this field.
80- 89 Points
An essay at this level exceeds the minimum expectations of the prompt. The writing suggests the writer has considered the needs of the audience from revising an early draft. This essay is typically “one draft away.” With a little more polishing, this essay would be considered the work of a professional in this field.
71-79 points
Meets Expectations
An essay at this level is meeting the basic requirements set forth in the prompt. The writing demonstrates a fully realized draft that begins to satisfy the needs of both the writer and the readers. There is room for improvement in this essay, but overall, this essay responds to the assignment with an appropriate thesis, adequate use of support and explanation. This essay needs work before considered professional in this field.
60-70 points
Below Expectations
An essay at this level is responding to the assignment, but fails to meet the expectations of the prompt. There is a focus and some supporting details, but this essay is just “beginning to take shape.” This essay may not be responding appropriately to the prompt, may not use acceptable support, or may fail to meet significant expectations of the assignment. This essay fails to be considered the work of a professional in this field.
59 points or less
Fails Expectations
An essay at this level appears to be in the brainstorming stage. An essay at this level is not responding to the assignment, ignores expectations, and/or falls well below expectations set forth in the prompt. This essay fails to be considered the work of a professional in this field.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
Mechanics and Grammar
Citations, References and Textbook Theory.
Response to Assignment Tasks
Total Points:
out of 100