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Reading Assignment Grading Rubric
Reading Assignment Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Mechanics and Grammar
threshold: pts
5 pts
Advanced: Well written analysis uses correct mechanics and grammar.
4 pts
Proficient: Errors are limited but need attention in future work. This could include a combination of mechanic and grammar errors.
2 pts
Basic: Errors are persistent and various throughout the work.
5 pts
threshold: pts
5 pts
Advanced: Work addresses all the assignment requirements and includes critical analysis using textbook theory or additional sources.
4 pts
Proficient: Errors are limited but need attention in future work. Some of the assignment requirements are missing or need to be more concise or specific using textbook theory or outside resources.
2 pts
Basic: Errors are persistent and various throughout the work.
5 pts
Total Points: 10 out of 10