Object Speech Ouline
- Due Jun 18, 2015 by 9am
- Points 10
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Jun 6, 2015 at 12am - Jul 15, 2015 at 11:59pm
BEFORE beginning this assignment, READ Section 1.5 of the textbook - Speech of Introduction Opportunities - pp. 23-24, 27-28.
For this assignment, you required to complete the three-column outline for an Proverb speech. The outline will help you prepare your 2-3 minute speech of introduction.
Unlike the information found in the textbook, you will have THREE visual aids that MUST be incorporated into your speech outline. One visual aid is to be used within each of your three main points (your past, your present, and your future). to represent something from that part of your life. Your speech must include an introduction, these three main points and a conclusion.
Three column outline format - Three Column Outline Template (1).doc Download Three Column Outline Template (1).doc
On the date the outline is due, you will need to provide me with a PRINTED copy of your outline, as well as upload your Word document. These are due before the start of class on the due date.
A sample of a completed three column outline is found here to help you with this assignment.
Intro Speech Outline Sample 1.pdf Download Intro Speech Outline Sample 1.pdf
Intro Speech Outline Sample 2.pdf Download Intro Speech Outline Sample 2.pdf
Intro Speech Outline Sample 3.pdf Download Intro Speech Outline Sample 3.pdf