Math and Writing Support Home


Online & On-Campus

Online Support:

The Online Math and Writing Centers are designed to help IU Online and IU East students succeed academically and gain confidence in math and writing. Students in online courses with Indiana University may visit the Online Math and Writing Centers as often as they like. See below for more information.


The Math and Writing Support Partnership serves all students enrolled in online courses at any IU campus, giving them direct access to math and writing  tutoring services.

Math services cover course levels up to Calculus II.  Mentors at the IU East Online Math Resource Center provide feedback and expertise to students in math courses, and work closely with faculty to address student concerns. Students enrolled in upper level coursework including Graduate level are welcome to ask for help reviewing concepts up through Calculus II, including undergraduate Statistics concepts.

Writing services for undergraduate students are limited to 10 double-spaced pages of material per day, per student, with no restriction on discipline. Graduate students are limited to 20 double-spaced pages of material per day, per student. Consultants at the IU East Online Writing Center respond to student inquiries, review papers, and offer detailed feedback using online tools.

The partnership leverages and contributes to the existing infrastructure at IU East to deliver the services. It will not replace, or take away from the efforts of on-campus centers.

Our Objective

Provide high-quality online tutoring services in both math and writing for students enrolled in online courses.

Learn more about our Online Math and Writing Centers.

Math Center Button linking to page with more information.     Writing Center Button linking to page with more information.


We look forward to working with you!

~ ~ IU East Online Tutoring Team ~ ~

On-Campus Support Available during regular terms.

All IU East students who are local to the IU East campus are welcome to work with our mentoring teams by visiting us on-campus or online through Upswing. Note the Online Math Support team is offering real time support through Upswing's "Meet with a tutor" option where you have access to a virtual whiteboard, audio/video, and chat during your session. 

Math & Science Resource Center

Campus Location:  Whitewater Hall WZ280
Campus Hours:  Monday-Thursday 10:00am-4:00pm
Online Math Support: available 24/7 at Links to an external site.
Questions: contact us at neewilso@iue or

Writing Icon Writing Center

Location:  Springwood Hall RW202F
Campus Hours:  Tuesday-Thursday 10:00am-4:00pm
Online Writing Support: available 24/7 at Links to an external site.
Questions: contact us at or