Online Math Support


What is Upswing?

Upswing at IU East Links to an external site. is an online tutoring platform where students can connect with our IU East team of mentors. Our team's goal is to provide IU East and IU Online students with free, confidential, and convenient academic support in an online environment. We exist to help students achieve academic independence and gain confidence in their math courses. 

Getting Started with Upswing

Watch the two-minute video below to help you get started.  

Online Math Support

The Online Math Support is designed to help IU Online and IU East students succeed academically and gain confidence in their online math courses. Students may visit us through Upswing as often as they like.

Math support will cover math courses up to Calculus II. Our team of IU East math mentors  will provide feedback and expertise to students in math courses, while working closely with faculty to address student concerns. 

Math mentors are available to:

  • Help prepare students for quizzes and exams
  • Share tips and study strategies
  • Help students gain self-confidence
  • Show students another way of looking at the problems and offer alternate explanations

All services are free to students and are designed to help them succeed academically and gain confidence in mathematics. Using our online service, students can submit questions 24/7 (excluding campus holidays). 


"Meet with a Tutor" - Online Math Support 

Would you like to meet with a tutor in real time? IU students enrolled in online math courses through Calculus II can meet live with a math mentor. When you login to Upswing, click on "Meet with a tutor" and follow on-screen instructions to pre-schedule a session with the mentor of your choice. Login to Upswing today where you can read profiles for our math team.


Let us know if you have questions or feedback about the Online Math Support.
Contact us at


We currently offer assistance with the following courses:

Math-E 111  Mathematics for Elem Education

Math-H 111  Mathematics for the Humanities

Math-M 118  Finite Mathematics

Math-M 119  Brief Survey of Calculus I

Math-M 123  College Algebra

College Algebra includes MATH-N 111

Math-M 125  Pre-Calculus Mathematics

Math-M 126  Trigonometric Functions

Math-M 215  Calculus I 

Math-M 216 Calculus II

Math-K 300  Statistical Techniques
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If you do not see your specific course number in the list above, please choose the subject that you feel is similar to your 100 or 200 level math course when uploading your questions or meeting with a tutor.