Week 01: Introduction Speech Assignment Instructions

What Is the Proverb Speech?
The Proverb speech is an opportunity for you to learn and share information about a classmate.


What Will I Need for This Speech?
You will prepare a three-column outline that will be a written version of your speech. You should have downloaded the 3-column outline from the course resources section in the Getting Started module. ( Download 3c-2014.doc

) All points on the outline should be in complete sentences. You will not be able to read from your outline in front of the class, so you can use a note card if you wish (up to 4 × 6, both sides). Finally, after your speech, you will complete a reflection paper.


What Is Included in the Proverb Speech?
The speech will have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, with transitional statements between main point one and two and two and three. The body of the speech will contain information about yourself and your chosen proverb. Proverb speeches should contain basic demographic information in your first main point: name, college major, high school, family, pets, jobs, career goals. In main points two and three, How this information is best used within the speech will depend greatly on the audience, the speaker, and the rest of the speech information.


What Is the Assignment?

The first main point provides demographic and personal information about you. Main points II and III will tell us how the proverb you chose relates to you. See the book for more information.