Week 03: Instructor Overview


calendar_alt_stroke_16x16.png  Week 3 Overview:

By this time you have delivered your introduction speech and reflected on your preparation and delivery. Now it's time to work on the first informative speech, the SEEI speech.


Please review your textbook pages 157-160, 163-166, 169-170. Please also review the readings and videos from last week, Sections 2.1-2.4.


The SEEI speech is an opportunity to inform your audience on a concept, person, or event in a significant and meaningful way. Specifically, you should incorporate a critical thinking approach in your speech using the SEEI model: State, Elaborate, Exemplify, and Illustrate. This should be your first main point. Your second main point should explain how that concept, person, or event has made an impact on you. The third main point should explain how your topic may impact the members of your virtual classroom audience. 


Review the information on pages 157-158 on what makes a good SEEI Impact speech topic.


As you begin putting together your 3-column outline for your SEEI speech, you will work with the speaker's lab mentor by submitting your rough draft to them by Thursday, June 4th at 11pm (This is your speaker's lab assignment. Make sure to upload this to canvas assignments). They will review your outline and provide feedback to you by Monday, June 8th at 5pm. You will spend next week, working on revising your outline and practicing your speech for your upcoming first "LIVE" delivery of your SEEI Impact speech the week of June 15th. Your instructor will provide more info on this as we get closer to that date.

This week, you will complete the SEEI Speech 3-column outline (Rough Draft), submit your draft of your outline to the Speech Mentor and actively participate in the weekly discussion board. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me through canvas messaging.

Good luck!