Week 4 Overview:
Last week, we learned about the SEEi - Impact Speech.This week, you will receive feedback from your speech mentor by Monday at 5pm. Once you have received your feedback, it's your job to take the feedback and improve on your outline. You will need to make additions/changes/corrections to your outline this week in preparation to submit your final draft to canvas on Sunday June 14th by 11pm. We will not meet in the online classroom this week! This will give you an opportunity to use this week as a work week to improve your written outline and work on a few of your other weekly assignments.
**Notes*** - Just a couple notes about your outline. You should submit your outline using the supplied 3-column outline. Please do not try to create your own outline template. Also, make sure that your outline speech functions are aligned with the appropriate roman numeral in your speech outline. Also, your outline must include in-text and parenthetical citations, as well as a Works Cited Page using the MLA source citation format. If you are unsure about how to do this, you need to reach out to your speech mentor for help. Please make sure to refer to page 159 in your text for an example. One last thing.... TIA in your Introduction section of the outline stands for Tie into the Audience.
This week, you will also prepare a written audience adaptation paper. Click on the audience adaptation assignment in your weekly module for more information on this assignment. You should also review page 163 in your course textbook for more information. You should pay particular attention to the three parts of the adaptation paper. It should contain a thesis statement, choices (topic, organization, sources, visual aids, other) and MLA Works Cited List.
This week, you will also be preparing your first PowerPoint Visual Aid for your live speech presentation next week. Please review the PowerPoint Presentation task in your module this week for more information on this assignment and the expectations for the online class. Your PowerPoint Visual Aid needs to be submitted to Canvas by 11pm on Sunday evening.
This week, you also have a discussion board post with replies to complete as well.
Good luck!